
Outcasts have lost the favor of their Archangel after miserably failing a series of missions. These angels used to be referred to as the Fallen, but they were later termed Outcasts to avoid confusion between someone who has been disassociated from the Heavens and someone who has actually become malevolent.

Player characters who are Outcast start the game with 3 points of dissonance. Outcasts cannot summon an Archangel or ascend to Heaven. Also, they no longer regenerate Essence at sunrise -- the only way they can earn Essence is to serve the interests of a more powerful angel, like their Archangel, by using the Rites made available to them. On the plus side, they're no one's servants but their own.

If an Outcast is on friendly terms with the caretaker of a divine Tether, he may be able to persuade his friend to let him live there, contributing to the holy ground's upkeep and general defense. While acting under the authority of a divine Tether, Outcasts regenerate Essence normally but still may not summon an Archangel or ascend to Heaven.

Angels who are Outcast may still make use of any Resources they can fuel. Since it can be difficult for Outcast angels to redeem themselves, many choose to set themselves up as Servants for other, more fortunate angels, hoping that their good deeds will eventually work them back into the celestial ranks. Sometimes they're right -- but in general, normal angel characters are encouraged to stay away from the Outcasts.

Playing an Outcast
As an Outcast, watch out for the demons. Of the few things the Fallen allow themselves to love, terrorizing Outcasts numbers high on the list. They sarcastically refer to your kind as, "the Tripped." If you hold any hopes of getting back into the Heavens, taking up with them only jeapordizes what divinity you have left.

Now where to from here? Are you despondant after being kicked out of the Heavens, do you have a plan to get back in, or do you want revenge? Unless you're in the right, that last option may seal your fate and send you spiralling down to the domain of the Diabolicals. Maybe that's what you want, maybe you just don't care.

Character Types -- Servants | Outcasts | Renegades | Remnants | Words

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