Basic Conflict Resolution
Often, there can be no need to roll dice at all. If you have a Strength
of 10 and you want to lug a small TV into the living room then the GM can
rule that a success, no roll needed. This is the Game Master's prerogative,
but it should be used to speed up game play, not to manipulate the players.
Only rarely should a GM tell a player that some action is flat-out impossible.
The GM should always allow a character to attempt something, no matter how
improbable it seems -- after all, the character might always experience
divine or infernal
Basic conflict resolutions requiring die rolls are resolved by the GM ruling
which characteristic is involved (Strength, Agility, etc.) and the player
rolling the
d666. If the first two dice are equal
to or less than the given characteristic, the roll succeeded. If not, it
failed. The last digit rolled, as mentioned earlier, is the
digit , and determines the degree of success or failure.
Usually, players will make their own rolls. This not only gives them a greater
feeling of control over their character's action, but increases the tension
of the moment. There are times, though, that a character might not immediately
know the result of an action. In these cases, the GM may roll for the player,
keeping the results secret.
Difficulty Levels | Using Resources |
Essence for Skill
Game Mechanics |
Choirs of
Angels |
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