
Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man;
and his number is six hundred three-score and six.

-- Revelations 13:18

There are two specific results of a d666 roll that require special explanation: 111 and 666. These two numbers hold a special significance for both celestial camps, one symbolizing the Holy Trinity and the other being the legendary Number of the Beast.

Every time an angel or demon rolls a 111 on the d666, the Holy Spirit intervenes and affects the success of the action. A 111 is a blessing when rolled by angels, but a curse to demons. The Holy Spirit will always grant the advantage to its servants, and inconvenience the forces of evil. When Essence is involved, either to fuel a Song or to enhance a mundane roll, the effects will be overtly supernatural in nature.

The exact effects are left up to the GM -- but they must, above all, be spectacular.

For example: Moxie the cherub invokes the Song of Strength. She rolls a 111, and permanently increases her Strength by one point!

However, a roll of 666 causes the personal intervention of infernal forces. Whatever the situation, the subconscious malevolence of Lucifer will grant demons an advantage over the forces of good. The exact effects of the roll is up to the GM, but again, above all else, they must be spectacular.
Of course, angels never benefit from the Number of the Beast.

For example: The demon Mynofrigith spends Essence to increase his shooting skill and rolls a 666. The infernal forces of Lucifer intervene and his shot hits two targets, doing 6 points of damage to each!

Only angels and demons are affected by Intervention. Neither humans or spirits are connected tightly enough to the Symphony to receive any help from greater powers . . . this way.

The Dice

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