Daily Illuminator

September 29, 2024: It Really Is All A Game!

We all love tabletop games, no matter what the flavor, from Chess and Go to GURPS and Munchkin. But do you know about the ancient, storied history of boardgaming? 
A fascinating book I've recently become aware of is It's All a Game, by Tristan Donovan. It chronicles gaming's past and present in an easy-to-read and often humorous way. Though I've adored playing at the table since childhood, I had no idea how important games have been throughout history.
The book includes numerous stories that will grab your attention, such as the significance of games in World War II, some of which helped the Allied soldiers escape prisoner-of-war camps. You can also learn how Twister first met formidable resistance from department stores – on moral grounds!
In addition, there is a captivating account of how one of the most popular cooperative games came about after the original SARS outbreak of 2003. I won't spoil which game it is, but serious players may already know, and it sure is fun to read all the details! There's even a section describing the role AI has played (and will continue to play) in the future of boardgaming.  
One appealing feature of the book is that it does not need to be read sequentially; just pick it up and choose a chapter that interests you!
I highly recommend this great read to gamers of all levels. It may not improve your gaming skills, but I'm sure you'll be entertained – and gain a deeper respect for the hobby.
It's All a Game is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble, or at your local book store.

-- Michelle Richardson

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