Daily Illuminator

September 17, 2024: Talk Like A Pirate Day

One of my favorite holidays! We'll celebrate with a piratical version of our weekly stream this Thursday. It will be at 11am this time, so I can make my plane to the Granite State Comicon. Please check in and see us!

Among other things, we'll be unboxing the beautiful pirate ship that Reaper gave me. This will be painted and played with. Envy me, ye blaggards!

Irene Zielinski will join us to talk about her new pirate RPG from 9th Level Games . . . Scurvy Buggers!

And I can show off a couple of Lego pirate ships from Evil Stevie's Pirate Game – for which a new rules set will be online Real Soon Now, honest.

We actually have a pirate-themed project of our own in the works, but I don't think I'm supposed to talk about it yet. Arrrrrrgh!

-- Steve Jackson

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