Daily Illuminator

September 3, 2024: Andrew C. Greenberg

Andrew C. Greenberg, co-creator of the Wizardry computer-game series with Robert Woodhead, passed away on August 30, per a Facebook post by Woodward.

The Wizardry series was incredibly significant in bringing the tabletop hack-and-slash experience to home computers. This was especially true in Japan, where that early floppy-based game heavily influenced classic releases such as Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Originally made for the Apple II computer, the series began with Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord. Those seeking a contemporary perspective on that first Wizardry game can check out a review in Space Gamer #46.

Andrew is also immortalized in the game series itself as the adversary Werdna (get it?) in Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord and as the protagonist of 1987's Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna – one of the first computer RPGs to put the player in the role of a villain.

Speaking personally, it's difficult to explain how magical those earliest computer RPGs felt at the time, delivering an aspect of the tabletop experience in a format that could be enjoyed immediately whenever the gaming mood struck. Many days were spent getting lost in a world of scribbled graph-paper maps and infinite possibilities – and I'm grateful to Mr. Greenberg for his efforts in helping to bring those realms of imagination to life for a great number of people.

-- Steven Marsh

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