Daily Illuminator

September 5, 2024: Join The Army Of Dorkness To Fight Food Insecurity

Munchkin illustrator John Kovalic will be hitting the road once again, this time to support the FairShare CSA Coalition. This unique non-profit supports community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms in John's home state of Wisconsin as well as helping low-income households access fresh produce through their Partner Shares Program. Their annual Bike the Barns event is the largest fundraiser for FairShare CSA Coalition and the Partner Shares Program. 
This year marks the 12th time that John has participated in this event, and a quick glance at his team page (appropriately titled Duck the Barns!) shows that he hasn't lost any of his enthusiasm over the years. But then, it's easy to see why – his fans, also known as the Army of Dorkness, have helped him raise over $205,000 in that time frame. That's a lot of fresh fruits and veggies for people in need!
Bike the Barns doesn't begin until September 15, but the Duck the Barns! page is already accepting pledges for this year's ride. You can learn more about the ride itself, pledge level rewards, and more over at John's official site

-- Katie Duffy

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