Daily Illuminator

January 1, 2023: Tally Mark D6 Dice Set Now In Stores


Our library of custom six-sided dice expands again, this time with the Tally Mark d6 Dice Set! These shipped to our distribution partners in August and can be found in game stores worldwide. If your local store doesn't stock the Steve Jackson Games dice sets, you may either special order or, if you wish, order at Warehouse 23. Please start by special ordering at your local store; retailers are the backbone of the community and the best place to try new games. Check our store finder to locate the game stores close to you!

One. Two . . .

What will you tally with the Tally Mark d6 Dice Set? Dragons slain? Monarchs overthrown? Perhaps Orc lords vanquished, or all the times the rogue betrayed you? So many things to count . . .

Or you could just use them in place of standard d6 to add some flair to any game! (That would be safer.)

These are also available as a part of our current BackerKit dice store.

-- Phil Reed

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