Tall and proud, the Seraphim stand alone as the most divine of the Heavenly Choirs, created from the essence of all that is perfect. Of all sacred creatures, their relationship with the
Symphony is the deepest, resounding from the most fundamental levels of abstract reality.

No one -- human or celestial -- can lie to Seraphim (when they're paying even the slightest attention) without it ringing false. A lie spreads a stain across creation, unmistakable to a perceptive Seraph.
Their preoccupation with the truth, and their pronounced lack of restraint in expressing it, makes them very, very annoying to some angels, particularly Mercurians. Few Seraphim have any sense of tact. They regularly blunder into uncomfortable social situations in which they feel obliged to point out a truth that others gracefully ignored. Since Seraphim loathe dealing with humans on a one-to-one basis anyway, the other Choirs have learned when to take control of a situation away from the socially-awkward Seraphim.
It's not that a Seraph cannot lie, but since that goes against his basic nature it causes him a great deal of anguish and generates dissonance. To avoid this, many Seraphim have become adept at the art of "conversational misdirection." Seraphim are constantly torn between telling the truth in all things and holding to the angelic duty of maintaining the important secrets -- like keeping humans in the dark about the Symphony, for example. Fallen Seraphim are the greatest liars of the Pit, the Balseraphs.
Seraphim may find it distasteful to watch anyone -- especially other angels -- tell a lie, but will make no effort to clarify someone's facts if it might draw them into revealing more than they care to. These angels don't like pop culture; they cannot stand to watch television. They belong to the most divine of all Choirs and are the farthest from what it means to be human.
Manner and Appearance
As the most divine of all angels, the Seraphim also enjoy high status as the royalty of heaven. With the distance granted by their great divinity, they often have a better perspective on situations than those closer to the minds of humanity. Among angels of different Choirs with similar rank (see Rankings, p. 00), a Seraph's opinion is the final word; only angels of higher standing can ignore them.
In his celestial form, a Seraph resembles a winged, many-eyed serpent. On Earth, a Seraphim's corporeal vessel is generally tall, thin, long-fingered, bony, clean-cut and well-kept. Their movements are smooth and precise with an ease that comes from being celestial nobility.
They prefer to think of themselves as stringed instruments, from harps to pianos. Unsurprisingly, these are their favorite instruments to play, too. You haven't lived until you've heard a Seraph play a violin.
Though not the perfect creatures they so loudly proclaim themselves to be, Seraphim receive a great deal of respect from other angels. Luckily, it is a Seraph's nature to act in such a way as to deserve it.
Seraphim Game Mechanics
Choirs of Angels --
Cherubim |
Ofanim |
Elohim |
Malakim |
Mercurians |