From divine diplomats to heavenly socialites, Mercurians are the developers of politics and the arbiters of taste, bringing the discipline of ephemeral structure to the corporeal realm. Since the exile of the
Grigori, Mercurians have been the least divine Choir of angels -- and, ultimately, the most human.

Mercurians have a resonance to the patterns of politics in the
Symphony. Their celestial perceptions are so acute that they can walk into a room full of people and immediately grasp the archetypal relationships at work -- who has control, who is submissive, etc. On an individual level, a Mercurian can comprehend at a glance what relationships and responsibilities a person maintains (family, work, friends, etc.) and the relative importance of each in that person's life.
With the least divine perspective of all the Choirs, many of these angels allow themselves the arrogance of judging people by their aesthetics. Style counts heavily with Mercurians. But even toward the fashion-impaired, the Mercurians' sympathy for the human condition and generally friendly nature make them affable companions and wonderful conversationalists. No one likes humanity as much as the Mercurians, not even humanity.
Of the other angels, the Seraphim are the most puzzled by this Choir's unconditional acceptance of individual humanity, but have resigned themselves to the obvious explanation that it's just the Mercurians' nature.
Violence generates dissonance in Mercurians. It is the antithesis of politics, the damper of reason. When they let themselves fall under the spell of violent passion, lashing out madly may make them feel better but pushes them farther away from the ability to perceive their resonance. This doesn't mean they don't advocate violence, they just don't do it themselves -- except against demons, which they consider to be abominations. They particularly enjoy taking out their violent urges against the Impudites, their Fallen brethren. When negotiations break down, a Mercurian has to know when to step aside and wave in the Malakim with their sharpened blades.
Manner and Appearance
In celestial form, the Mercurians look like the traditional Western image of an angel: a winged human with smooth skin, a bright smile and an open heart.
As mentioned above, of all the Choirs, Mercurians are the most concerned with appearances. No self-respecting Mercurian would be seen in public in an unattractive vessel, unless ugliness was the desired aesthetic. Fashion critics all, Mercurians aim to be the best-dressed in the room, or failing that, the most suave.
Musically, a Mercurian prefers the instrument most frequently at hand -- himself, whether singing, clapping, stomping his feet or all of the above.
Lowest of the high, the incarnation of savior-faire, Mercurians move smoothly through human society, swimming the sea of human relationships. No other angels have such an abiding understanding of the human condition, and perhaps that's for the best (see
The Grigori, p. 00)
Mercurian Game Mechanics
Choirs of Angels --
Seraphim |
Cherubim |
Ofanim |
Elohim |
Malakim |
Kyriotates |