Stout-hearted and strong-willed, Cherubim are the most universally reliable
and fanatically loyal of the Heavenly Choirs. If the Seraphim are celestial
nobility, then the Cherubim are their knights in shining armor, the guardians
of things held dear.

The Cherubim were created from the stoic forces of stability. Their relationship
to the
Symphony is one of ultimate devotion. If
they devote themselves to something (or someone), they will defend it from
harm to the best of their ability. With a touch, they can attune themselves
to that person or thing; thereafter, as long as it exists on the corporeal
plane, its perceptive protector will have a general feel for its location
and condition.
Their simplicity of thought is the most basic expression of their nature:
constant, solid and vigilant. This sort of single-mindedness is entirely
lost on the Kyriotates, whose multifaceted nature finds them most confusing.
Cherubim and Kyriotates, who represent animal archetypes in Heavenly society,
are notorious for getting on each other's nerves.
Betraying devotion, the most serious sin for a Cherub, generates dissonance.
As long as a Cherub is attuned to something, he is its caretaker -- its
guardian angel -- and won't do anything that would bring it harm. The divine
attention of a Cherub can only be removed through physical contact and force
of will. Failing at such an attempt is also painful; an unsuccessful betrayal
through rejection generates dissonance as well.
Because of these dangers, the Cherubim are selective in applying their resonance,
so they can better handle sticky situations while maintaining their integrity.
There's nothing worse than foolishly granting devotion to something unworthy
of such respect.
But aside from applied resonance, a Cherub would never betray his Superior,
his friends, his ideals or himself. To do so would be to sink below his
capacity for nobility -- the first step down the short road to selfish malevolence.
This road ends with the Djinn, Fallen Cherubim, guardians of the diabolical.
Manner and Appearance
Cherubim move slowly but with severe purpose, their bright eyes missing
no detail of their surroundings. In their celestial forms, Cherubim look
like enormous winged animals -- lions, bears, etc. -- suffused in golden
haloes. Why Western art began depicting them as cute, pudgy, winged babies
several hundred years ago remains a mystery. The Cherubim, were not amused;
most suspect the influence of the Diabolicals. Their human vessels are usually
short and stocky, compact and powerful.
Musically, Cherubim prefer one-handed horns before sundown; at night, they
pull out their saxophones.
As the ultimate celestial protectors, Cherubim are the best angels to have
guarding your back -- and though a Cherub may say he needs no protection,
his endearing loyalty prompts his friends to look after him anyway.
Cherubim Game Mechanics
Choirs of Angels --
Ofanim |
Elohim |
Malakim |
Mercurians |