Seraphim Game Mechanics

Seraphim have the ability to see through men into their hearts, to the reality within. The truth, by its nature, can be elusive; game mechanics should not be. We hope the following guidelines are clear enough to solve most problems that arise during play. If difficulties arise, as often happens when people debate "the truth," it is important for the GM to rule consistently in disagreements so that all players feel they're being treated fairly.

For the purposes of this game mechanic, there are two sorts of truth to consider: the truth as the speaker understands it, and the absolute Truth as the Symphony knows it -- that is, the actual fact of the way things are -- like, "The light bulb on." "Yes," correctly parsing out the speaker's context of on as being relative to the state of being off, "it is." These sorts of Truths are pretty rare as far as things people are likely to say go; most "truth" is actually opinion from observation, comparing or contrasting perspectives. "He's huge!"

Once a Seraph invokes his resonance, the next thing he hears which relates a fact or expresses an opinion will be scrutinized for accuracy as it relates to the speaker's point of view and, if the Seraph is lucky, as pertains to the Truth in the Symphony at large. This will last for 7 minutes minus 1 minute for every point of the successful roll's check digit. So a Seraph who successfully tunes into his resonance, with a check digit of 3, will be attuned to the truth (to the degree described on the chart below) for 4 minutes.

Opinions, by their very nature, are subjective. Unlike facts, they can't be judged against some universal measurement of true and false (such as "This game sucks!") -- so instead, a Seraph's resonance will compare the statement to the Seraph's own opinion. Of course, people can still lie about their opinions, and a good Seraphim can tell when they do.

Players should remember that this is a celestial power, not to be trifled with. If you try something on a whim and accidentally bungle it badly, the feedback will foul up your delicate relationship to the Symphony for awhile, the way your ears ache when you sit too close to the speakers at a concert.

GMs should remember that Seraphim are not generally stupid angels; they can "feel" the difference between literal and metaphorical statements. If the lightbulb is "on the fritz," even the most clueless Seraph would know the speaker meant "the lightbulb works poorly, if at all," and not, "the lightbulb is physically sitting on something which I call fritz, just in case you were looking for it." GMs who abuse player trust by purposefully misleading them and hiding behind semantics may mysteriously disappear one night as a warning to others.

Check Digit Results

1 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying.

2 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying -- and whether or not the lie is a misstatement of fact or a misrepresentation.

3 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying, whether or not the lie is a misstatement of fact, a misrepresentation -- or a lie by omission.

4 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying, whether or not the lie is a misstatement of fact, a misrepresentation, or a lie by omission -- and whether or not the speaker believes he knows the Truth.

5 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying, whether or not the lie is a misstatement of fact, a misrepresentation, or a lie by omission, whether or not the speaker believes he knows the Truth -- and what the speaker believes the Truth to be.

6 You know whether or not the speaker thinks he is lying, whether or not the lie is a misstatement of fact, a misrepresentation, or a lie by omission, whether or not the speaker believes he knows the Truth, what the speaker believes the Truth to be -- and whether or not he's right!

Divine Resonance Check Digit Modifiers
+2 Physical contact with the subject
+1 In conversation with the subject, within 3 feet
-1 Electronic audio/video reproduction (whether live or recorded)
-2 Audio only, but not electronically filtered (overheard, etc.)
-3 Electronic audio only (live phone conversation, tape recording)
-4 Visual only, within 40 feet, not electronically filtered

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