Kyriotate Game Mechanics

With a willing subject, a Kyriotate need only make a successful Will roll (modified by any accumulated dissonance) to invoke his resonance and allow his Forces to invade the gracious host. The angel and his subject must be within a number of yards equal to the Kyriotate's Will. If the angel's Will roll is successful, the check digit represents the number of days the angel may stay in the borrowed vessel.

An unwilling host may make a Will roll of his own in an attempt to counter the intrusion. If this roll succeeds, the Kyriotate cannot enter that vessel then, but may try again after a number of hours equal to the check digit of the subject's Will roll.

A Kyriotate may simultaneously possess and control any number of vessels whose combined Forces are not greater than the angel's own. For example, a starting Kyriotate character with nine Forces could not take over two humans, but could manage a human and two dogs, or any other combination that added up to nine Forces' worth of flesh.

If a human sees a Kyriotate in his celestial form, he must make a successful Will roll or go gibberingly insane for a number of days equal to the failed roll's check digit times his Perception.

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Choirs of Angels -- Seraphim | Cherubim | Ofanim | Elohim | Malakim | Mercurians | Grigori