- "Though if Nike's managed to start wearing crosstrainers and put swooshes on her armor, I have to think she's among the more successful transitional Ethereals to the modern day." -
Ethereal Tough Guys
by Eric Burns
- "The Aeons are the celestial builders of things and makers of order." -
The Aeons
by Eric Burns
- "Oops." -
Security Leak
by Moe Lane
- "Unfortunately, 'almost' allows for a little slippage." -
A Week In The Life, Pt. 2
by Eric Hallstrom
- "Celestials love cellphones -- they're easily carried and they make keeping in contact a lot easier than the Kyrio method. (Amazing how many angels were carrying around pigeons or rats before cellphones existed; made them a bit easy to spot.)" -
Phone Cherubim
by Beth McCoy
- "As the Angel of Angels, Ruhiel is charged with making sure that Angels are always a force for the betterment of the Symphony as a whole and that the image of angels in human society is never corrupted, both tasks which she takes _very_ seriously. To tell the truth, it isn't all that hard." -
by Jonathan Walton
- "The shellacking that the environment's gotten over the last few centuries has convinced the Archangel of Animals that desperate times call for desperate measures." -
Minor Choir: Sasquatches
by Moe Lane
- "Of course, Forces may be recycled, and
often are, and the general consensus is that the act of recycling means that Humpty Dumpty, indeed, may never be put back together again. Something just gets lost in the process. Some people find it impossible to accept that." -
by Moe Lane
- "The Role Dominic has maintained for the last five hundred years or so (through about eight incarnations) has been as a scholar of the theory of law." -
Superior Roles: Dominic
by William J. Keith
- "Since time immemorial, there has always been a certain type of nobility: the kind with wealth to spare, who can indulge their every whim -- and whose whims are better left undescribed before the innocent of heart..." -
Superior Roles: Andrealphus
by William J. Keith
- "See those little Malakim with the wooden swords? The Seraphim who could do
a good impression of grass-snakes? The little Ofanim like blazing Cheerios?" -
by Beth McCoy
- "Everyone wonders about Laurence's Roles." -
Superior Roles: Laurence
by Moe Lane
- "The espionage service run by Marc, Litheroy and
Zadkiel is, of course, dependent on humans - both
living and blessed souls - to operate." -
The Cadre: Part I
- "Incidentally, a group of three or more Cadre members
is called a Convention." -
The Cadre: Part 2
by Maurice Lane
- "They handle their own travel, creativity and demolitions. And
they insist on the exclamation mark!" -
by John Dallman
- "When people are worried about
whether they're being overheard, they have quite a few
clever ways to ensure their privacy, and one of the
classic methods is to go outside." -
by Moe Lane
- "Knowing Vapula, it'll blow up in an entertaining
fashion (the advantage of this is that he'll still try
if even if it's actually impossible in your particular
campaign): that's why there's an Archangel of
Technology in the first place." -
Superior In A Can
by Moe Lane
- "Anybody who shows knowledge of this letter is to be reported, priority
alpha-two-alpha." -
The Sealed File: Document 1
by Genevieve "Maya" Cogman
- "Too many Soldiers were being treated as disposable
tools by the angels that worked with them. Yes, they recognized that
they were fighting for the greater good, but it was hard to keep that in
mind when you could barely afford rent on a room because you kept
getting called away from your job at the last minute." -
People Net
by Cameron McCurry
- "The "coin" of the Celestial Plane's economy is generally taken
to be Essence. This is fine and good, and Marc, as an eminently
practical Archangel, usually goes along with this. But remember
that Marc invented the idea of money, and he has reasons for
wanting to apply it to the Celestial Plane, too.
" -
by Earl Wajenberg
- "Seneschals may be Word-bound to their Tethers. This process grants
the Seneschal significant abilities beyond that granted by simply attuning
them to the Tether; however, it also afflicts them with the main
disadvantage of a Word, namely, the prospect of going into decline and
eventually dying with their Tether." -
Word-binding Seneschals
by William J. Keith
- "Really, there is a vast pool of celestial talent out there just going to waste. Talent that, whilst it has crossed the line and declared its independence, could still be useful to either Heaven or Hell. And come to think of it, sometimes jobs come up that truly require secret and expendable operatives." -
Universal Exports
by Jo Hart
- "Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids evolved (one could
even say 'engineered') to live in underground
environments. " -
by Moe Lane
- "Halflings appear upon first glance to be a variant sub-race of Humanity: their most notable difference is
their height (their name is derived from the fact that
the average Halfling is about half the size of a
Human)." -
by Moe Lane
- "Remnants of Stone are particularly hard to find - any rock, statue or
gargoyle could be a soul-killed Trog. Still, no one is terribly surprised
that Baal was able to find one. What does surprise people is that he was
able to find a silicon based life form." -
by James Walker
- "Even the Archangel of Flowers needs an impressive escort occasionally, and
although not fond of intimidation Novalis does prefer it to bloodshed." -
by James Walker
- "If a human gets flung out
of a lake in front of a warrior, he'll be lucky if he isn't burnt as a
witch. Throw a sword though, and the warrior will sweep it up and declare
himself the rightful king of England." -
Magical Swords
by James Walker
- "As a First Race (again, with Humanity), Elves have no
special patron among the Archangels anymore: they are
watched over by all of Heaven impartially." -
by Moe Lane
- "Dragons, Mummies, Liches, Sorcerers - all need a hoard of gold and jewels.
Otherwise where's the point?" -
by James Walker
- "The Lich is probably one of the highest forms of Undead, the type of creature
that all necronmancers aspiring to immortality (which pretty much means all of
them) long to become." -
The Lich
by Benjamin Acosta
- "When Heaven discovered the existence of the Broken Races, a great deal of
energy was expended trying to heal them - nearly as much as was spent
trying to destroy them." -
by James Walker
- "Sister Shannon Masters, aka Warrior Nun Areala, simply smiled as she raised
her sword, readying herself to rid the Earth of yet another Hellspawn. "Oh
crap, indeed, Demon-Born."" -
The Warrior Nuns
by Rolland Therrien
- "Most Lilim ultimately swear to a Prince. Either they are tired of
constantly being hounded by other demons, the Game, or, more likely, they
find the rewards of joining a Prince's hierarchy, including titles,
retainers, and advancement, to outweigh the benefits of staying neutral." -
Lilim Roles
by Emily Dresner-Thornber
- "There are a lot of mundanes in Heaven's service, and most of them have the
Lucid Dreaming skill. Over the years they've crafted their Dreamscapes into
places of beauty, wonder - and often extreme usefulness." -
by James Walker
- "The first Balrog was a Renegade Shedite who, without a host or any essence,
was only saved from soul-death by a favourable Intervention. Laurence killed
it personally, but it had already passed on the technique to other demons." -
by James Walker
- "I have, in my own little universe over here, generally determined
that a Superior using its own resonance has, well, the Superior-level
version of it. (We will not talk about Andrealphus and Impudite Charm
here, plus Word-leakage.)" -
Superior-level Resonance
by Beth McCoy
- "Although Saminga claims to have complete control of all Undead, it wasn't
difficult for Mammon's Servitors to bribe a Necromancer to design a new type
of Undead for them." -
Barrow Wights
by James Walker
- "Two separate though related races of Mermaids exist. 'True' Mermaids are
descended from dolphins and a rogue Grigori; 'lesser' mermaids are descended
from dugongs and one or more ethereals." -
by James Walker
- "Despite the propaganda, not every dragon perished during the purity crusade." -
On Dragons
by Jo Hart
- "You think that demons are the experts at character
assassination? Please: those guys have no inter-Word
cohesion." -
Dirty Tricks
by Moe Lane
- "But before and beyond all the cerebral stuff, Jean is the
Cosmic Zap. If, roughly speaking, David, Oannes, Janus, and
Gabriel are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma, Jean is force field." -
On Lightning
by Earl Wajenberg
- "Zombis are often abandoned: left for dead, sent on one way missions, given
orders and forgotten. Other outlast their creators, or were created purely
out of spite." -
Variations on Zombies
by James Walker
- "Ah, Smurfs: otherwise known as 'an example of why
Novalis now never drinks anything that's in Eli's
refrigerator without checking it first'." -
by Moe Lane
- "They've recorded that Uriel was Christian. They never said that he was Catholic." -
The Matropater Faithful
by Maya Cogman
- "The old Impudite waited patiently as the children huddled together. Outside
the carbon storm raged, diamond sharp dust ripping at the stone walls. The
storm would not breach the walls tonight, he thought." -
Rebel Planet: Introduction
by James Walker
- "This is one of Laurence's more significant, if obscure, organisations. He
inherited it from Uriel, who had the original version from Michael. It's a
collection of Angels and Saints whose basic job is to attend to details of
organising The War, and to make plans for contingencies." -
The General Staff of the Host
by John Dallman
- "That being said, Laurence retains various weapons that
are dedicated to those rare times when he actually
gets to engage Demon Princes in battle. He's aware
that he probably won't get to kill any of them until
Judgement Day ... but there's no reason why he can't
get a good lick or two in before they manage to Run
Away." -
Laurence's Special Swords
by Moe Lane and colleagues
- "The Demon Prince of the War is known for his paradoxial combination of
overwhelming, arrogant pride and common-sense pragmatism. While the latter
has led him to craft these specialized Unholy Bullets, it is the former
which keeps him from loading up an M60 with a belt of each type." -
Baal's Special Bullets
by Rev. Pee Kitty
- "You have been assigned your tasks; you will
either succeed or die. Either is acceptable, and you should feel proud if
you achieve both." -
Memo to the Troops
by James Walker
- "So if anyone needs a quick idea for a Word for an alternate universe, here's
a whole list of 'em!" -
Inverse Words
by Sirea Theyal et al.
- "Everyone knows you cannot give a human a Word. That is, itself, correct. YOU cannot." -
Human Words
by Sean McCarthy
- "XJ49-L is procedurally oriented, which makes it a fine language to use when one wants to create spaghetti code. As a matter of fact, in addition to the standard "goto" function, XJ49-L supports the "go", "gothere", "gottherethenreturn", and "gothereandthere" functions." -
Heavenly and Hellish Programming Languages
by Manny Nepomuceno
- "Is a
Word-bound even more in tune with its Superior's very
nature than an ordinary celestial? There is an
obvious temptation to answer 'yes' - but what does
that mean for a campaign? What are the consequences?" -
by Moe Lane
- "Vapula truly hates it when people tell him not to do something." -
Vapulan Time Travel
by Michael Cleveland
- "There are days when Jean really loves having people like Vapula around." -
Jeantech Time Travel
by Michael Cleveland
- "Now, everyone knows that they're good protection from Kyrios and Shedim,
right? But does everyone know that they're good possessions of Kyriotates
and Shedim?" -
Force Catchers
by Beth McCoy
- "The Ascension of Kronos of Princehood annoyed a number of Princes. Saminga's
response was simple - if collecting information was enough to to make one a
Prince, then he would prove that Death was the ultimate storehouse of
knowledge! [Maniacal laugh]" -
The Hall of Heads
by James Walker
- "Something about a Heavenly plot involving using real estate to bankrupt
demons and kick them out on the streets (as easier prey for angels), that
the Archangel of the Sword was taking a personal hand in. And a cameo
appearance from Worf (see Star Trek)." -
No Insomnia Tonight...
by Beth McCoy
- "If Yves has a book wherein the name of every being that comes into
existence is recorded, then it stands to reason -- Kronos' reason, at any
rate -- that the Archives should contain a book of the name of every being
ever soul-killed." -
The Book of Dead Souls
by William J. Keith
- "Just about everyone can agree that Hell is simply not a nice place
to be." -
Trick-Or-Treat In Hell
by Cameron McCurry
- "Exorcists: Sorcerers specialising in the Exorcism skill. Okay, some would
be. But all of them?" -
Mundane Uses of Exorcism
by James Walker
- "To operate in mortal society, celestials need to speak the local language.
Because of this, a change in the lingua franca can cause a huge shift in the
balance of power, as Celestials spend months learning a new language." -
The Language of the World
by James Walker
- "On rare occasions, there are inventions that Vapula puts out that actually work as advertised. The whole point of Vapula's Great Work, after all, is to help mankind find God through Technology." -
PET Scanner
by Michael Cleveland
- "Editor's note: Mullerian mimicry describes how poisonous species evolve a
similar appearance, so that predators are warned off all of the poisonous
species; Batesian mimicry describes how non-poisonous species benefit by
copying poisonous species." -
Alien Race
by James Walker
- "Punishment Rites were first developed by Dominic, not long after the Fall.
They are a variation on Worship Rites, used to discourage misuse of Rites
and attunements." -
Punishment Rites
by James Walker
- "To begin with, do not use that name around Laurence or
Novalis." -
by Moe Lane
- "And yet, some demon thinks that they know how to win and that they
will try to enter the next time the competition begins..." -
Ever wonder...? (An alternate take)
by Cameron McCurry
- "Yes, there are Marxists Up There, and there will be as
long as the achievement of one's Destiny/Fate remains
even slightly independent of one's religious beliefs." -
Marxists In Heaven
by Moe Lane
- "Just as relationships are living things that must be maintained, so too are
roles, for they are in many ways a celestial's relationship with human
society." -
Role Maintenance and Destruction
by Eric Bertish
- "Hey, if it was okay for St. Brigit to get petitioned this morning..." -
A Petition
by Moe Lane
- "If a demon has worked his way up from being a demonling, he
likely has a history several centuries old. " -
20 Questions For Ex-Demonlings
by James Walker
- "A few questions to help you flesh out the back stories of your angels." -
20 Questions For Ex-Relievers
by James Walker
- "You didn't think that Kobal would let Kronos keep something with so much
potential, did you?" -
Sorcerers of Dark Humor
by James Walker
- "Laurence's hostility to Novalis has some interesting effects for humans
serving Flowers, given that they report to both Superiors." -
Soldiers or Gardeners?
by James Walker
- "The Cage is a rather simple looking device to the untrained eye. It stands about 6 feet by 6 feet and is formed of solid steel, with a catch on the bottom that enables the device to swing outward and scoop something in, then slam shut about them. There is a one foot by one foot window of transparent black glass set in the top of the Cage for observation." -
The Cage
by Charles E. Smith
- "They wanted to form a martial order, fiercely loyal to
Hell, that would hunt agents of Heaven that had grown too powerful in
one area. Rather than working at separate goals, this order would work
together to achieve victory." -
The Hyacinth Brotherhood
by Cameron McCurry
- "It's always dangerous to back an Engineer into a corner; you just don't know what
he'll come up with." -
Desperate Measures
by Eric Hallstrom
- "Shiloh had to think for a long, long moment, then she smiled. "I
know! Let's try Saminga. He's really stupid, so if we could smarten him
up, I'm sure he'd join us!"" -
The Next Plan
by Charles E. Smith
- "Jean is perfectly willing to acknowledge that, in this
one case at least, his opposite number has a definite
point." -
Calabite of Lightning
by Moe Lane
- "It's just that most people get uncomfortable when they
find out that certain members of the Host have Roles
as serial killers." -
by Moe Lane
- "Media doesn’t like to talk about it, but there’s a
little problem with imposing your Will on the market:
actually, you can’t, quite." -
by Moe Lane
- "The following constitutes a suggested set of translations, conversions, and
point values for the new game concepts presented in the Ethereal Player's
Guide, for the use of GURPS: In Nomine players. This is not a full-text
conversion -- the translations assume the reader owns the Guide." -
GURPS Conversion for the Ethereal Player's Guide
by William J. Keith
- "Got its start in the Sunday game where Casca mimed snorting a line of Ineffability. Out came the notebook: it sort of got really, really expanded from there (not to mention 'mutated')." -
New Drugs
by Moe Lane
- "When the War is all over, one way or the other, the
victorious side is naturally going to want to sit down
and reminisce about the Old Days. When that happens,
it's certain that at least one favorite game is going
to be Top 10 Statements That Were Always Guaranteed To
Turn Your Bowels To Water." -
Portable Biofeedback Enhancer VT-52317/k ("Bonsai Kittens")
by Moe Lane
- "Janus: "Oh, this one I've just got to hear..."" -
by Moe Lane
- "Like all the other Archangels, Zadkiel has a few small 'organisations'
within her ranks, and the Aegis is one such body." -
The Aegis
- "In Heaven live the Greatest Generals History has ever known... Or at least
the ones who've accomplished their Destinies. One might assume that they
spend their afterlives resting or otherwise move up Jacob's Ladder, but
usually, after they learn of The War, well... once a soldier, always a
soldier." -
The Council of the Sword
by Rolland Therrien
- "Had a random impulse, so I pored over my world map for a while and came up
with this. It's a quick guide for those that want to time events in the
Marches on a global scale: a 24-hour summary of what is going on in the
world sleep-wise, at 4-hour intervals." -
A Day In The Marches
by William J. Keith
- "To further his Word, Alaemon is always willing to try new methods of
surveillance to gather secrets from humans as well as his fellow
Princes. He is rather successful in this pursuit; he had invented
cameras as small as a human palm long before they were used on Earth.
But every so often, something goes wrong with his creations.
" -
Sock Spies
by Cameron McCurry
- ""Most high lord of darkness," the spy hastily mumbled into the phone, "I
know that I've been instructed not to attempt direct contact short of a
alpha-level emergency . . ."
"And?" the voice on the other end of the phone whispered.
"We have an alpha-level emergency."" -
Vampire Malakim
by Genevieve Cogman
- ""You will be my messenger, little wheel. Will you take my message and keep
it safe until it is time? WILL YOU?" She reached for his face." -
S.W.A.K. - The Couriers
by Diane J. Donaldson
- "Most angels who don't think about it believe all Soldiers of God come to
Heaven when they die. This isn't exactly true." -
by Ryan M. Roth
- "Well, perhaps Justice Boy would be more appropriate. Alexander is only
15. But, well, when you find out you're a superhero, you kinda want
people to treat you like an adult." -
Remembrances, Part II: Justice Man
by Ryan M. Roth
- "
Purpose and Goals
To keep the British Isles free of foreign invaders." -
The Sisterhood of the Waves
by Moe Lane
- "Ethereals are created by human belief, but what are the Ethereals'
beliefs?" -
The Uncreated
by Earl Wajenberg
- "Not all manifestations of "The Remembered" are due to violence." -
Remembrances - Another Version
by Cameron McCurry
- "Heaven's greatest secret, Bright Malakim are (currently) even rarer that
Bright Lilim." -
Bright Malakim
by James Walker
- "Normally, modern-day IN characters zip around city streets without
interruption." -
Ambiguous Encounter Table
by John Dallman
- "The Prince of Death
is not immune the occasional fit of clarity in which he wonders if he might
not perhaps be focusing a wee bit too tightly on nothing but simply
killing things." -
Special Distinction: Saminga's Therapist
by Prodigal
"**Flaming
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