Gabriel, Archangel of Fire

Belonging to the House of Justice


The world is energy, hot and fluid. This energy can fuel the hearts of men and women, bringing joy and happiness -- it can also burn the unwise and the unfortunate. Gabriel's servants are fire incarnate.


Specific Choirs in servitude to Gabriel have been charged with specific duties -- namely, punishing the cruel. Gabriel doesn't insist her angels clean the Earth of every misfit they see a picture of, just the ones they make eye contact with and physically touch. These souls must feel the fire of Justice within a number of weeks equal to the angel's Celestial Forces, or the servant will generate 1 point of dissonance. This dissonance will vanish once Justice has been served.


Gabriel's Seraphim are charged with stalking those who profit knowingly from the sufferings of others, or who lie to themselves about what monsters they really are. They can identify these people on sight, and have the additional gift of knowing the temperature of anything in their line of vision, even in the dark.

It is the role of Gabriel's Cherubim to burn those who, within the last year, have horribly betrayed someone who was devoted to them. These people's skin blisters and itches at the touch of the Cherubim of Fire, doing 1 die damage every other round up to a number of dice equal to the angel's Corporeal Forces.

Charged with pursuing those who flee the forces of justice, Ofanim in the service of the Archangel of Fire are immune to damage from corporeal energies like heat, radiation and electricity. Their vessels' energies balance automatically, with any excess or deficit from baseline normal being distributed out across the rest of the Symphony. Every time one of these celestial bounty hunters falls into lava, the sun glows that much hotter.

Gabriel's Elohim can identify those who receive pleasure from inflicting psychological or emotional pain upon others. They have the ability to extract the emotional pain from one person, which heals that human's heart, and pass it along to anyone else, amplified. The victim of the emotional backlash, with a touch, takes a number of dice damage to his Celestial Forces equal to the Celestial Forces of the angel. These Elohim, of course, receive no pleasure from the pain they inflict.

At mental command, these Malakim can encircle their hands with green celestial flames, burning everything they touch. Gabriel usually assigns her Malakim to part of a city and says, "Clean."

Kyriotates serving Gabriel can manifest thermal energy -- hot, flickering flames which only consume what the angel wishes to burn. These Kyriotates are attuned to people who enjoy inflicting physical pain upon others. Unlike Gabriel's Elohim, these angels enjoy the punishments they visit upon the wicked.

Gabriel's Mercurians exist to create calming, peaceful environments in which fires burning brightly in the hearts of humanity may dim for a moment, and cold fires may remember warmth. It is their innate ability to control the ambient temperature within their field of vision, up or down 10° F for every Corporeal Force they have. These Mercurians enjoy roles like bartenders, therapists and other secret confessors.

Manner and Appearance

Gabriel is an Ofanite. Say what you will about her, but Gabriel is the Archangel who has had the most influence upon society, both on the Earth and in the Heavens. She is a powerful fighter, with an incredible resolve and a strong will.

Now mentally, she's unstable. She is the Archangel of Fire - not just the fire of burning and cleaning, but the also the fire of conflict and love that makes heat and energy in the hearts of men and women. Being pulled in strange directions hasn't helped her personality stay together, and she can frighten those who aren't prepared for her.

Sometimes she talks to herself; sometimes she screams for no apparent reason; sometimes she smiles and children across the city start to cry. Her servants admire her greatly, and want to follow in her footsteps across the hot coals of life.

On Earth, Gabriel was present at the birth of two major religions (literally, in the case of Christianity -- for Islam, she merely recited the Qu'ran to Mohammed). She's also responsible for nurturing the blues and jazz movements in America, changing forever a civilization's outlook on music. Under Gabriel's advice, Novalis eventually evolved rock and roll from that, though neither of them will admit it.


Being one of the twitchiest Archangels, Gabriel's relations with the others are shaky at best. She generally votes with Michael in Council meetings, but on a whim may vote against him merely out of spite.

Her servants are instructed to show no favorites. In a crunch, they're expected to stand loyal to others serving the House of Justice (servants of Dominic and Janus) but it doesn't upset her to see her servitors aiding the agents of Novalis, one of Gabriel's oldest friends.


Living For Giving the Devil His Due. Gabriel thrills at the danger corporeal living presents, and wants one of her favored servants to escort her through a day of his duties. No matter what the angel's normal existance is like on Earth, he knows he'd better make this one day as exciting as possible because Gabriel hates being bored. The angel can't tell anyone who his moody travelling companion is, and for that 24 hour period she won't reveal her true nature, but he'd better provide some demons for her to take a crack at, and quick!

It's best of GMs drop this surprise visit from Gabriel in the middle of an intense adventure involving the servants of other Archangels, allowing her to see "mundane angels" as they work in the real world. She insists on acting like a Soldier, playing at being the character's servant for the day. Of course, the Archangel will be constantly pestering people with questions, needling them with her sharp criticisms and wanting to try out their weapons. If her servant can keep the other angels from killing her, he's done well.


Chance of Invocation: 3

Invocation Modifiers

Praying before a conflict (+1)
Cleaning a piece of metal in flames (+2)
Winning a fight against tough odds (+3)
A sword forged by you (+4)
10 cruel people, burning at the stake (+5)

Winning a large battle (+6)

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