Dark angels of selfish devotion, the Bands of demons struggle against the forces of benevolence to make the world a reflection of their own evil selves. They operate outside of the Symphony and all it stands for, wrecking its delicate balances and perverting the clarity of its vision.

Unlike the angels, who serve God as tools of the Symphony, demons possess their own evil symphonies, separate and unique from one another. In a very real sense, every demon dances to the beat of his own personal drummer. But even though a demon's symphony is insignificant in comparison to the awesome power of the true Symphony, they're shockingly effective against individual angels, who must share a single Symphony with the rest of the universe.

Demonic symphonies can be categorized by Bands, reflecting the Choirs they originated from. Like the Choirs, each Band has its own general nature, a resonance, which must be maintained in order to survive. When a demon goes against his nature -- acting in a way that's against the resonance of his personal symphony -- he generates dissonance, distancing himself from his own vision of selfishness.

A demon who is especially dissonant may acquire Discord, a severe fracture between the Diabolical and the source of his power. Discord can manifest in a variety of ugly ways, none of which are pleasant. While dissonance can be massaged out of a character, Discord is much more permanent -- only the actions of a Demon Prince can reverse its awful course.

The Choirs were created by God, a theoretically-perfect being. The Bands were molded by the wit and strength of Lucifer, and he thinks they can stand up to the Old Man's work any day.

In order of decreasing malevolence, the Bands of demons are:

Balseraphs -- The Liars
Djinn -- The Stalkers
Calabim -- The Freaks
Habbalah -- The Punishers
Lillim -- The Tempters
Shedim -- The Corruptors
Impudites -- The Charmers
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