Eli, Archangel of Creation

Belonging to the House of Temperance


The world is creation, the application of will to rearrange a pattern. Eli's servants, while the most cavalier about their duties, are the best at pulling the beautiful clarity of signal from the background of chaotic noise.


The servants of Eli have nothing unique which could make them dissonant. Go play, have fun.


Eli's Seraphim have the ability to recognize true talent. Celestial talent scouts, these angels know how adept someone is at a skill they observe him doing.

A Cherub working for Eli may hold a man-made item in his hand and know who created it. The angel won't know anything beyond the most basic facts about the person (GM's discretion) but may use his natural resonance, minus 1 point for every year old the object is, to track down the creator.

Corporeal vessels made by Ofanim are ageless. At the time of creation, the angel may choose his body's age. Also, they can slow down, speed up or even reverse the aging process, both in their vessels and in others'. Once a day, an Ofanim serving Eli may make physical contact with something and adjust its age by a number of years equal to his Precision.

Elohim who serve the Word of Creation can make Constructs (see p. 00). It generally takes one month of scavaging for materials and getting them prepared for every Force the Construct is to be built from.

Even working for the Archangel of Creation, Malakim are powerful forces of destruction. Anything in the hands of Eli's Malakim can be used as a weapon with a Power equal to the check digit of a successful Perception roll.

The Kyriotates who work for Eli have mastered the art of using their multiple vessels to perform Songs in harmony. Devoting the attention of two vessels to the task cuts the performance time in half; devoting three vessels cuts the performance time to a third, etc. Any invocations (gestural or aural) required by the Song must be able to be made by all vessels involved.

Like Eli's Seraphim, his Mercurians can look into a person's eye and see what skills he has, whether or not the person is actually aware of them.

Manner and Appearance

Eli, unsurprisingly, is a Mercurian.
He's slipped from his previous stature. His heavenly mosque has drifted into decay, its classic collection of artwork scattered to the winds; he sometimes has a difficult time making complete sentences.

The Archangel of Creation has fallen prey to the trivial mundanities of modern society, the icons of Western civilization, and spent precious little time going about protecting his Word. It's not a big deal, though - he's done a good job in the past, and Creation is no longer in danger of stopping. In fact, it's in danger of completely overrunning everything else. Most Archangels feel Eli's done too good a job, and made their's overly difficult.

Over the last fifty years, Eli's walked the Earth in various guises, engaging in insane baccanalia and non-stop travel. He's granted dominion of his servants to his brother, Khalid (the Archangel of Faith). while he takes his break.

While most angels of Creation spend their days toiling under the yoke of the Archangel of Faith, Eli's favored servants are exempt from this service and may walk freely. "Do what thou will," Eli told you, "but be cool." Unlike other Archangels, who see their servants on a regular basis whenever they're assigning a task, Eli appears to his angels rarely. The true disciples of Eli tend to be involved in esoteric exploits on the whims of their master, whether or not even he understands what he's doing, and why.

Khalid also has control of Eli's vote in the Seraphim Council, which gives him substantial strength in breaking the Michael-Blandine-Marc voting bloc that used to balk him so often. To greater and lesser degrees, he and his servants have become patsies for Khalid, who doesn't mind running Eli's show while he's "away." When he wakes up, though, and tries to recoup his power, he may be surprised to find Khalid doesn't want to give it back.


Eli and Khalid, as brothers of a sort, used to work together very closely. Since Eli has given up his Archangelic mantle, his reputation has tarnished in most circles to the point that the Seraphim Council are now openly considering removing his name from the Septa if he doesn't start actively supporting his Word again. (Eli, if he'd ever bother showing up to one of the hearings, would defend himself by saying he's doing more than most Archangels by living among the humans and surfing where the Symphony pulls him.) Of course, Khalid doesn't want this -- not because he cares about Eli, but because if Eli is relegated to the Archangels who aren't in the Septa he'll lose the power of an important vote in the Council. The matter has yet to be decided, but the other Archangels and their servants will be forced to take one side or the other, and soon.

Many in Heaven consider the servants of Eli to be "latter-day Grigori," though with Khalid's crackdowns over the last decade, this reputation has diminished markedly. Still, there are no greater debaucheries than those thrown by angels of Creation. Strangely, servants of David are some of their strongest supporters, and both camps regularly come to one another's aid.


Better Hide Your Heart. Eli, like Khalid, used to insist that his servants leave their Hearts (see p. 00) locked up tight in his heavenly mosque. Over the last ten years, without telling Khalid, he's given his angels permission to take their Hearts and hide them somewhere else in the Heavens. He gave no explanation and merely nodded with satisfaction when they were all gone.
During an inventory of Hearts last autumn, Khalid just noticed. In an effort to calm the unruly crowd of angels who work for Eli, is insisting all his servants -- as he considers Eli's servants as his own, even though he refuses to grant them attunements befitting a servant of Faith -- return their Hearts to his citadel. Some of Eli's favored servants should try and contact Eli and tell him what's going on . . . or does he know, but is afraid of confronting Khalid?

But I Know What I Like. In the late 1950s, one of Eli's favored servants -- Art, the angel of Art (his Word is his name) -- disappeared. No one knew what happened to him, but Eli (in perfectly laid-back form) insisted Art was merely taking a break from life. Now Eli's worried, and he's sent you on a quest . . . for Art. Ride that rocket, baby.


Chance of Invocation: Roll 1 die each time you wish to invoke Eli

Invocation Modifiers

A paint brush or a musical instrument (+1)
Some form of birth control, unused (+2)
A human family -- father, mother, children -- getting along with one another (+3)
A blueprint of the building you're standing in (+4)
A public park, occupied by at least one hundred people, in which live music is playing (+5)

A unique plant, animal and mineral (+6)

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