David, Archangel of Stone

Belonging to the House of Fortitude


The world is strong and hard. Be harder, be stronger.


Stone is immovable, incorruptible. Angels of stone will never start a fight, but they'll always finish it. Being provoked into attacking first generates dissonance. Also, David's angels don't sully their hands with weapons which strike over a distance, they prefer hand to hand combat.


The servants of David are attuned to the earth. They each have a peculiar sensitivity to the presence of stone, metals, gems, sand -- even in alternate forms, like glass and asphalt. Grassy dirt, composed of organic material, and artificial substances like plastic are effective barriers to their senses.

David's Seraphim are heavenly miners, charged with teaching people how to live off the earth, literally. They can detect the presence and quality of all minerals with 1 yard of their vessel for every Corporeal Force they're composed from.

David's Cherubim are attuned to forces of attraction. They can create a pseudo-magnetic field which can pull into their hands any object made mostly from minerals, as long as it's within a yard away for every Corporeal Force the angel has. They enjoy hard labor, like working in a factory or, as more often used to be the case, being a blacksmith.

Ofanim serving David will find their mobility greatly increased; the earth will part for them, allowing the Ofanite to move through the ground (even solid stone!). It takes 1 second to pass through every point of Strength the rock holds. See p. 00 for a chart of materials and their relative Strengths.

Unfortunately, light doesn't penetrate very far through solid rock. The angel will be blind when his head is immersed, but his deep and abiding connection to the earth allows him to retain his sense of up and down.

David's Elohim are very reclusive, preferring to live near the Earth's rocky places where humanity has difficulty surviving. They're attuned to the planet as a whole more powerfully than the other Choirs; Elohim serving David have a sense of absolute direction, and always know exactly where they are.

These celestial hermits do accept students, humans and angels alike whom they train in the ways of stone.

Once a day, a Malakite serving David can plant his feet on solid ground and become immovable and indestructible. The angel can take no actions while he becomes such an incarnation of stone, except to revert back to his previous state when he chooses. David's Malakim are charged with training humans in the arts of self-defense.

Undetectable and ever-vigilant guardians, Kyriotates serving David may possess and control empty vessels of stone. These divine gargoyles may still have other vessels, but are still limited to a number of Forces worth of vessels equal to their total number of Forces. They receive no dissonance when a stone vessel is damaged or destroyed.

David's Mercurians are charged with making living areas safe places for humans to be. Originally used to scout out caves for early proto-humans, these angels have a sense for the layout of buildings constructed from mineral resources, a sense which grows stronger as they move through them. This sense manifest like a blueprint map in their head, omitting non-mineral elements like furniture and people but enlightening them to the presence of secret doors and hidden compartments.

Manner and Appearance

David is one of the Malakim. He and his angels created the first human shelters, and his disciples taught the arts of pottery, metal-working, and building construction to their ancestors. In addition, he helped find new and interesting ways for people to beat one another to bloody smears.

Since David and his followers helped mold early humanity in so many ways, he feels something of a responsibility towards finishing up the job. His angels serve to strengthen people by forcing them to endure terrible labors. David says this is neccesary for them to survive the rough times ahead. Some angels think the servants of David to be too brutal; they themselves wonder if they're brutal enough. David's followers are blindly loyal, and will not ever put up with anyone questioning their leader's decisions or opinions.

Existing outside the realm of question does allow his mind to wander a bit, and sometimes he hits a really strange idea and sticks with it. For example, David hates the idea of clothing, and believes men were made to walk around naked as rocks. "Textiles," he says, "are the work of Diabolicals." Nevermind the fact that humans can't keep their hands off one another as it is. (Strangely, he doesn't mind his servants wearing clothes.)

David holds a commanding presence in his human vessel, a strong face with steel gray eyes. He has one other physical vessel, a mound of stones he uses to manifest more subtlely. David can make the rocks form a roughly humanoid shape and speak to his audience through the grinding and scraping of the stones.


Recently, David and Michael have had some disagreements in regards to angelic roles in modern society. Rumor has it that David has begun sowing the seeds of dissent among other Archangels: he wants to be in charge. But David is ultimately loyal to Michael and his faction, and has instructed his servants to be as helpful as possible with his servants. Otherwise, the Archangel of Stone has instructed his servants to avoid spending their enegies to further another angel's plots, unless they're going to get something for it. (And especially if David will get something for it.)

But of all the Archangels, it's suspected he holds something against Khalid and encourages his rough servants to balk the Archangel of Faith's at every turn.


In My Blue World. The topaz center of David's headquarters, buried deep within the catacombs beneath Washington D.C., is where he holds court on Earth. A gang of skinheads flank his Corporeal vessel (as though he needed protection), twitchily prepared for an invasion they feel is inevitable. Your team has been asked to stage a mock attack on his fortress with all your celestial might; any Essence lost or damage taken will be restored afterwards. But a skinhead with a dangerous addiction sells the date and location of the attack to an agent of Nisroch, the demon of Drugs, who gathers up a small gang of Calabim Freaks to jump into the carnage . . .


Chance of Invocation: 4

Invocation Modifiers

A stone skipping across a large body of water (+1)
A stone statue of a male figure (+2)
A marble statue of a male figure (+3)
Fifty punks without guns (+4)
A stone carving more than 1500 years old (+5)
A rock used to kill a demon (+6)

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