Blandine, Archangel of Dreams

Belonging to the House of Prudence


The world is a dream, nothing more. Some dreams are more solid than others -- Blandine's servants are charged with protecting the dreamers and helping them battle their fears. The minions of Beleth, Princess of Nightmares, are dire enemies of Blandine's servants.


An angel of Blandine cannot attain his celestial form in the mundane world, and may only use Celestial Songs while in the Marches. Doing otherwise generates dissonance.Also, most of Blandine's angels have been assigned specific dreamers to watch over. If you know your charge is in danger, he must be warned in his next dream or you'll suffer dissonance until either the dreamer has been adequately warned or the dangerous situation otherwise resolves itself.


The servants of Blandine have the ability to enter the Marches through the mind of a human dreamer. It requires the angel to be asleep, and make a successful Perception roll. You have to have seen the person before, but they can be anywhere in the world; +2 if you're physically touching. The subject must also be asleep, and in Blandine's realm. The check digit of the roll is the number of minutes you may stay in the subject's dream.

Blandine's Seraphim can spot visitors to a dream world, they stick out like non-union actors in a Hollywood production. These servants are most often used to root out intruders in a protected dreamscape.

Cherubim working for Blandine think they've found the perfect job. "I just have to watch people and obsess on protecting them in the realm of the body and the realm of the mind? Cool!" Upon falling asleep, they can automatically enter the dreamscape of a person they're attuned to. That subject must be asleep as well, of course.

Ofanim feel at home in the Marches, moving at lightning speed through the ethereal reality of a human's mind. They can stay in a dreamscape for a number of minutes equal to the check digit of their successful Perception roll times the number of Ethereal Forces they have.

In the Marches, the natural resonance of Blandine's Elohim for emotion is constantly active, as though the check digit of the successful resonance roll had been equal to the angel's Ethereal Forces.

Blandine's Malakim are not noticed in the Marches unless they want to be. Anyone's Perception roll to notice one of these Malakim is modified negatively by the angel's Ethereal Forces.

While asleep, a Kyriotate may be in more than one part of the Marches at a time. His consciousness may simultaneously extend to a number of dreamscapes equal to his Ethereal Forces.

Blandine's Mercurians can use dreamers as conduits, moving from one person's dreamscape into another's without needing to roll -- but only if the two people are emotionally close to each other (GM's discretion) and currently on the same side of the Marches (either Blandine's or Beleth's).

Manner and Appearance

Blandine is a Cherub, and something of a loner Archangel. As such, she likes to stay out of the plans of the others. Her Divinity is high enough that she doesn't care too much about the interpersonal politics that goes on between various Archangel cliques; even beyond that, she has her own reasons for shying away from the pubic view.

Just because she's removed herself from the plannings of others doesn't mean she's not doing anything. While Gabriel's the Archangel who's had the most influence on mankind, it's generally agreed that Blandine has done the most measurable good. She credits her success on carrying out her orders: help the human race achieve its goals, its dreams, with as little interference as possible.
Blandine doesn't have much respect for shows of strength, or a prowess at any martial art, but she does have a proper respect for strategy and an eye for developing useful tactics.

Unlike most other Archangels, she doesn't have her own domain in the heavens; she has made her home the Marches, where the minds of all humans go when they sleep. Blandine and Beleth (see p. 00) were lovers, before the Fall; when she Fell, Beleth claimed half of the Marches for herself. Though they have not seen each other since the Fall, Archangel Blandine and Demon Princess Beleth live in nearly-identical towers on opposite ends of the dreamlands, where they pace and brood for days upon end, staring at the dot of the other's tower on the horizon. For a more detailed description of the dreamlands, see p. 00.

Blandine does not enjoy working in a direct manner with her subjects, even her favored servants. Instead, she'll have one of her many retainers instruct her angels concerning their duties. She chooses to work several layers behind the real action, visiting key people in their dreams and trying to help them work through their problems. At times, she has used her substantial power of dreams to subtly nudge the slumbertime thoughts of entire cities, calming people in a time of panic or creating an air of discomfort when necessary. When she does manifest, Blandine prefers to appear as a woman in her mid-20s; her hair is black and she wears gray, heavily-embroidered clothing.


At one time, Blandine's servants did not get along with Gabriel's and Michael's. The Archangel of Dreams considered the Archangels of War and Fire to be too careless in their actions, with Michael in particular ill-deserving of a place in the House of Prudence. She still warns her subjects to be careful around servants of Archangel Gabriel, but has ordered that under no condition are they to hinder the efforts of their servants.

Blandine herself never bothers leaving the Heavens for matters of merely political concern. One of her tiny, cherubic angels of Hope, the Menunim, traditionally carry her sigil to the meetings of the Seraphim Council, where her vote is placed at the discretion of Michael.


Reach the Morning Light. Blandine's servants are rarely combat monsters. Like their mistress, they prefer subtle background manipulations to any more forceful methods, and seldom involve themselves in outright violence. Every evening is an adventure for the servants of Blandine, forced to show caution during the day so they may expend their Essence through the night in a world far from Earth. After a long night of walking the Marches, it can be a lonely few hours of nursing an empty resevoir before the morning and its rush of rejuvenating Essence.


Chance of Invocation:

Invocation Modifiers

A book of fairy tales (+1)
A sleeping potion (+2)
A handwritten collection of lullabies (+3)
A bed in which a demon has slept (+4)
One person, dreaming peacefully on a train (+5)
One-hundred people in the same room, dreaming without nightmares (+6)

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