Daily Illuminator

October 2, 2023: Now Available In Print: Game Design Vol. 1: Theory And Practice

Game Design Vol. 1: Theory And Practice

The print-on-demand revolution is amazing and allows for long unavailable material to join the physical realm again. Case in point: Game Design Vol. 1: Theory and Practice.

Written by Steve Jackson and Nick Schuessler, this is a snapshot of gaming advice that began life in the pages of Space Gamer magazine in the early 1980s. That material was compiled, edited, and updated, resulting in a well-received book that soon fell out of print. This tome provides an overview of theoretical and practical considerations, including insight about combat, components, playtesting, and designing with the market in mind.

The early days of our digital publishing efforts let us bring it back as a PDF. But we know how folks like having physical books in their hands, and it's hard to dog-ear a download. So, we're happy to bring it back in print, as both a source of insight and a retro artifact.

Be aware this is a scanned version of the original volume, reprinted as a facsimile . . . complete with the original bibliography (most of which is probably hard to find nowadays) and the original vintage ads (presented for historical interest only!). Some advice is dated and some is timeless, but regardless of whether you're a curious hobbyist or a would-be entrepreneur, you're quite likely to find food for thought here as an aspiring game designer. And it's just a click away!

-- Steven Marsh

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