Daily Illuminator

December 26, 2015: Highlights From The Munchkin Crusade

[Image]Our friends at Pegasus Spiele, publisher of the German version of Munchkin, run an annual series of tournaments called the Munchkin Crusade. After approximately 40 events held at stores and other venues across the country, their National Championship concluded on November 14th in Essen, Germany, the same city that hosts the Internationale Spieltage (SPIEL) convention every year.

This year, 28 players, all of whom had won at least one event during the Crusade, converged in Essen to battle it out for the title of Champion. Pegasus staff told me the competitors created a "sea of bookmark fragments." I've watched the Munchkin tournaments during SPIEL before, so I can believe it -- the German fans are some of the most hardcore Munchkin players I've ever seen. According to Pegasus, at least one participant made an emergency Warehouse 23 order with express international shipping just to be prepared with accessories and other munchkinly tricks. (Naturally, we approve.)

The final round of the tournament had a bit of a surprise in it as well. Sebastian and Sina Meuer, a married couple, both ended up making it to the end, and ended up taking first and second place! We offer them both our sincere congratulations.

It's always fun to get reports of Munchkin being played all over the world, and we thank our friends at Pegasus Spiele for all their help in making that happen.

(Pictured in the photo, from left to right: Christian Horn (5th place); Sebastian Meuer (1st place); Sina Meuer (2nd place) with their son Joshua; Markus Theunissen (3rd place); Maksim Karabasov (4th place))

-- Rhea Friesen

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