December 23, 2015: Friday The 13th's Never Been So Lucky!
I had an amazing time this year on Friday the 13th as USAopoly and Steve Jackson Games released Munchkin: The Nightmare Before Christmas! Many stores around the United States celebrated the event by hosting a game night to teach players how to play the newest edition to the Munchkin family.
However here at Game Depot Arizona we turned it up a notch and made it into a "Munchkin Extravaganza"! Not only did we have two tables full of Nightmare Before Christmas munchkins battling it out but we also decided to celebrate Christmas a little early. By unveiling Munchkin Christmas Lite and leaving no table in the store empty! At this point you're probably thinking things couldn't get better but we also knocked out one of my long term munckinly goals for the year.
We were able to teach a whole new generation of little munchkins; as tiny gamers flocked into the store to battle Snotty Dragons and Nightmareish Trolls in Munchkin Treasure Hunt. The intensity and fun rivaled that of International Tabletop Day and I'm happy to say I turned Friday the 13th into a very lucky day for many players as we raffled off 2 Plush Tentacles and the winners walked away with a special prize pack!
After seeing the huge success of the night it makes me super excited to see the USAopoly and SJ Games union continue with Marvel Munchkin!!! I really can't wait for the next big event!
For more fun with GloryHoundd visit

-- By Kat Rider, MIB 3339

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