August 10, 2014: Headed For Worldcon!
Worldcon is approaching fast . . . it starts August 14 . . . and this year it's in London. I have not visited London nearly enough times. I'm not sure you CAN visit London enough times.
Highlights of the show for me will include:
- Many, many panels, on both SF/fantasy and science subjects. London has two great universities within its boundaries and two more nearby, not to mention several world-class museums; the pool of available speakers was both deep and wide.
Live theater, including a Girl Genius radio play performed by the Foglios, an adaptation of Tim Powers' The Anubis Gates, and direct assaults on Shakespeare from at least two directions.
A large dealer room with at least four different game stores. So I get to meet some retailers, and who knows what new or old stuff I might pick up . . . and, of course, there will be a LOT of book dealers, so a lot of books will come home with me.
Random discussions. At Worldcon, more than anywhere, it is important to read the nametags, whether you're at a panel, attending a party, or just walking through the halls. You never know when you'll run into an author that you want to thank . . . or a friend you haven't seen for 20 years, who doesn't look quite the way you remember!
So: It will be fun. If you're coming, look for my nametag, and say hi!
-- Steve Jackson

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