In a world where danger lurks in every shadow, death can come around any corner, and every sentence sounds like a movie trailer, there are those who would risk their lives to save the day. These brave souls are men of fortune. They are men of fate. They are men of . . . action!
Action 1: Heroes draws its inspiration from the heroic men and women of action movies of the 1980s and beyond, bringing high-octane, high-stakes adventure to GURPS.
With templates, focused options, and lists of appropriate gear, players and Game Masters alike can create characters looking as though they were shot on 35mm film, ready for some shooting of their own. Heroes is a guide for gamers looking to get their action-movie campaigns going quickly and explosively!
This volume focuses on characters. Watch for the sequel – Action 2: Exploits – for the how-tos of making fast-paced adventures.
38 black-and-white pages. Softcover.
Stock #01-6182,
ISBN 978-1-63999-006-1.
Black and white zine; 36 pages plus covers.
Stock #3508,
ISBN 978-1-63999-034-4.
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Dire Wolf Digital, in partnership with Steve Jackson Games, has brought the murderous mischief of the iconic tabletop card game Munchkin to digital devices!
Go down to the dungeon. Kick Down the Door. Kill everything you find. Backstab your friends. Steal the treasure and run.
With millions of copies sold around the world, Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon!
"Early Access" stage for Munchkin Digital from Dire Wolf!
Stock #####,
Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (Reprint)
The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game brings the world of Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius comics and graphic novels to your gaming table. Its contents – lavishly illustrated in color by none other than the Foglios! – include:
The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is a complete, stand-alone game Powered by GURPS. While compatible with GURPS Fourth Edition, that game is not required.
This printing is hardcover. A softcover version is also available separately.
Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is copyright © 2021, 2022 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Girl Genius is © Studio Foglio. All Girl Genius characters are copyright © 2002-2022 by Studio Foglio. Girl Genius and the Girl Genius logos are trademarks of Studio Foglio, used under license. All rights reserved.
192 color pages. Hardcover.
Stock #01-6127,
ISBN 978-1-55634-989-8.
Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (Reprint)
The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game brings the world of Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius comics and graphic novels to your gaming table. Its contents – lavishly illustrated in color by none other than the Foglios! – include:
The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is a complete, stand-alone game Powered by GURPS. While compatible with GURPS Fourth Edition, that game is not required.
This printing is softcover. A hardcover version is also available separately.
Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is copyright © 2021, 2022 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Girl Genius is © Studio Foglio. All Girl Genius characters are copyright © 2002-2022 by Studio Foglio. Girl Genius and the Girl Genius logos are trademarks of Studio Foglio, used under license. All rights reserved.
192 color pages. Softcover.
Stock #01-6128,
ISBN 978-1-55634-990-4.
GURPS Ultra-Tech (Reprint)
GURPS Ultra-Tech is the sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of the imagination. It's a valuable companion to GURPS Space, GURPS Bio-Tech, and GURPS Infinite Worlds, and an exceptional resource for any character or campaign that needs technology from tomorrow . . . and beyond. GURPS Ultra-Tech is full of personal equipment for heroes and superheroes from TL9 to TL12, including:
And still more! Living biosuits, computer implants, holographic projectors, psionic amplifiers, neutrino communicators, nanofactories, hyperspectral goggles, chameleon suits, repair paste, Dyson spheres – there's something for every adventure at every tech level.
GURPS Ultra-Tech was written by David L. Pulver, co-author of the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition, and author or co-author of over 60 other gaming books, and Kenneth L. Peters, the author of Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System, and a co-author of Transhuman Space: Under Pressure.
This is the third edition of GURPS Ultra-Tech; it has been revised to the GURPS Fourth Edition rules. The oldest material included here dates back to the first edition of GURPS Space; other material was revised from the GURPS Third Edition versions of GURPS Ultra-Tech, GURPS Ultra-Tech 2, GURPS Cyberpunk , GURPS Psionics, GURPS Robots, and Transhuman Space.
From the edge of tomorrow to the star-flung future, GURPS Ultra-Tech can equip your characters and your campaign!
This softcover printing has color interior pages, like the original hardcover. A black-and-white (grayscale) version is also available separately.
242 color pages. Softcover.
Stock #01-6002C,
ISBN 978-1-63999-005-4.
Nanogames: Dragons and Jack-o'-Lanterns
Dragons and Jack-o'-Lanterns. Oh, my!
This credit-card-sized folded poster opens up to reveal two great dice games, each created by Steve Jackson. All you need to add are dice and counters, and you'll be ready to build your own dragon . . . or perhaps emerge with the most pumpkins!
It's all up to you – and your dice rolls, of course!
You will need several six-sided dice for each player (eight dice for each player for Dragons; three dice in total for Jack-o'-Lanterns). You may use any dice you wish, or pair our Dragon d6 Dice Set (four packs needed in total for up to four players) and Halloween d6 Dice Set with the Nanogames rules to set the perfect mood for each game.
(The page size of the PDF version is 13.79 × 9.21 inches.)
4-page PDF.
Stock #30-131355,
Nanogames: Aquarium and Eat Thy Neighbor
Two dice games printed on a tiny poster that folds down to the size of a credit card!
Both games use all six of the Steve Jackson Games Ocean Dice sets – Killer Whale d6 Dice Set, Octopus d6 Dice Set, Seahorse d6 Dice Set, Shark d6 Dice Set, Starfish d6 Dice Set, and Turtle d6 Dice Set – available at your favorite local game store or from our online store,
Aquarium by Jean McGuire
The object of this game is to be the first with a fully-stocked aquarium: one of each of the six different Ocean Dice!
Eat Thy Neighbor by Steve Jackson
A game of the Circle of Life: Sometimes you eat (and then you can reproduce)! But sometimes you just get eaten . . .
Instructions for how to play these games with other dice can be found on the game poster.
(The page size of the PDF version is 11.82 × 9.21 inches.)
4-page PDF.
Stock #30-131357,
41-page PDF.
Stock #30-3508,
The T'reo School of Martial Magic
This supplement for The Fantasy Trip is a complete guide to the school that turns out the best martial wizards in the world. Honed by constant combat, they'll never face anything as tough as T'reo was. A class of 32 students will be cut by a dozen when they graduate three years later. Some quit, some are expelled, but most die in duels.
Meet noted masters, staff, and students (with full stats). Explore with detailed maps. Uncover treasures, tomes, and secrets that should perhaps be left buried. Become the best of the best as a student – or face T'reo as a powerful foe!
Softcover; 92 pages.
Stock #3507,
ISBN 978-1-63999-035-1.
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The Hexagram Vault includes a shake table printed inside the box. Shake table? Absolutely! Steve's random loot-generation table lets you add dice to the box at specific times during an adventure and then, in the end, shake the box and open it to generate whatever loot the characters may have discovered! Once opened and emptied, this shake table gives the gamemaster another way to randomly generate loot during play.
Custom storage box measuring 5.75" x 8.75" x 2".
Stock #3516,
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Quick Quest 8: The Maddening Song
Shandoa, an elvish village high in the trees, was prepared for the song that drives all who hear it mad. But a swarm of savage beasts is attacking while the elves can't hear them! Now the party is called on to rescue the elves from the beasts . . . and from a more insidious threat, as well.Quick Quests are super-short adventures for The Fantasy Trip. Each one is about 2,500 words of character description, GM advice, and combat. Definitely combat.
You can use a Quick Quest in several ways:
As a stand-alone adventure for a night or two of play.
As a side quest to drop into an ongoing campaign.
As a seed for a whole new campaign.
A 16.5" x 8.5" Z-fold brochure printed on cardstock
Stock #3608,
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