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N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 4 

Shipping November 1, 2024

Munchkin Dead & Deader

The spirits are restless!

You would be, too, if you constantly had the living bothering you . . . With a Medium, a Spirit Caller, and a Reality TV Crew banging around the house at all hours, who has time to rattle chains?

And a very spooky house it is: From the Paltry Geist all the way up to the terrifying Ghostzebo, Munchkin Dead & Deader provides lots of new Undead for your Munchkin deck.

Strap on your Talismantle, equip your Hex-Ray Specs, and charge your Ectoplasma Rifle – it’s ghost-hunting time!

56 cards and a rulesheet in a tuckbox. Stock #1594, ISBN 080742094512. $11.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipping November 1, 2024

Illuminati (Second Edition) (Reprint)

They are all around us. Secret conspiracies are everywhere. In Illuminati, you increase your wealth and power to take over the world until only YOU reign supreme.

Now, this classic game of conspiracy and world conquest has been updated to include current events and references! Illuminati is for two to six players and contains 110 cards with new card back designs. It features new art created by Lar deSouza, known for his 2008 Shuster Award-winning online comic Least I Could Do.

As a winner of the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame, Illuminati is one of the all-time greats. Now more than ever, you'll wonder whether it's really only a game as you scheme your way to world domination!

Includes rules, 110 cards, 8 giant-sized reference cards, 2 sheets of money counters, and 2 dice. Stock #1387, ISBN 080742099807. $39.95.

Shipping November 1, 2024

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe (Reprint)


112 cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Slug Thrower, and, of course, the terrifying Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to any of the other Munchkin game sets instead. It'll work, and it'll be silly, and that's what we all want here.

112 cards and a rulesheet in a tuckbox. Stock #1410, ISBN 080742094505. $19.95.

Shipping November 1, 2024

Munchkin Booty (Reprint)

Sail the seven seas. Plunder the treasure. Make your buddy walk the plank.

Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold-grabbers in history – pirates! – to the world of Munchkin. Use your Silver Long Johns to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself with the Cutlass (or Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But watch out for Sharks!

Rake in the loot as a Pirate, Naval Officer, or Merchant. Taunt your foes with your horrible Accent -- British, Spanish, Dutch, or French. Equip your Half-Galleon with a Crow's Nest and Figurehead. But above all . . . level up!

Munchkin Booty is a stand-alone card game designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic. It is fully compatible with the original Munchkin.

168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet. Stock #1459, ISBN 080742094383. $29.95.

Shipping November 1, 2024

Munchkin 7 – Cheat With Both Hands (Reprint)

Stir Things Up!

Admit it. You really like to combine all your Munchkin sets . . . the stupider things get, the better. Playing Star Munchkin Cthulhu Booty Zombies is really weird and really fun . . . but it can also slow things down.

There are a lot of ways we COULD have addressed this problem. But this is Munchkin, so the solution we chose was to create a lot of really overpowered new cards. Why be a Super Munchkin when you can be an Ultra Munchkin? If a Half-Breed isn't enough, you can be a 1/3-Breed. And if a single Cheat! card doesn't do it for you, you can Cheat With Both Hands!

There are also a lot more monster enhancers . . . and ITEM enhancers, too. There are several new low-level monsters to help you get those easy kills. Until somebody takes that Sock Puppet and turns it into the Ultra-Rare Extremely Sneaky Sock Puppet With Extra Cheese . . .

Munchkin till you drop – just add players!

This is a supplement, not a stand-alone game. It is meant to be combined with two or more Munchkin games, with or without other supplements.

Also, We Think 7 Is a Neat Number

This set replaces both Munchkin Blender and More Good Cards, which was the original Munchkin 7. We didn't want to reprint More Good Cards, because it was only 56 cards and most of those were originally from Munchkin Blender, anyway*. We didn't want to re-use the name Blender, since this new set – by popular demand – has the classic Munchkin brown card backs rather than Screaming Purple Cards. And we didn't want to eat our vegetables, because vegetables are yucky.

We hope you are confused now, because we are, too . . . but we thought it would be SLIGHTLY less confusing to release a new Munchkin 7 than to call this expansion Munchkin 8 and have frustrated people writing us for the rest of our lives asking, "Why can't my store get Munchkin 7 in stock?"

* And what about the cards NOT from Munchkin Blender? They're in Munchkin Monster Enhancers, a booster pack available wherever you bought this set.

112 cards and rule sheet in a tuckbox. Stock #1468, ISBN 080742094499. $19.95.

Shipping November 1, 2024

Munchkin Kittens (Reprint)

The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats.

Which clearly explains what happened to them. Cats may be cute, but they've got teeth, claws and siege weaponry? Munchkin Kittens has 30 new cards that some of you may be allergic to. Don't be fooled . . . they're adorable, but deadly!

This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Kittens pack is the same as every other.

30 adorable cards with a rulesheet – in a tuckbox. Stock #4215, ISBN 080742095977. $10.95.

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