November 22, 2017: Learn More About The Munchkin Collectible Card Game!

The Munchkin Collectible Card Game will be released in just three short months (preorder today!), so make sure to visit its web page to stay updated on all things Munchkin CCG! For now, we want to highlight some current articles on strategy, organized play events, and our reprint policy.
Recognizing the Team: We've been working on this project for a while, so we wanted to make sure to thank everyone who has contributed so much hard work to it. Written by Devin Lewis, this article gives a fun look into the process.
It's Party Time: Are you curious about the six heroes in the Munchkin CCG? Then read on to get a description of each hero, along with their main strengths!
Play at your local store! If you're looking forward to heading down to your friendly local game store (download and print this PDF form and take it to your local store) for a Munchkin CCG tournament or casual play, this is the article for you! Get information on the things we've included in the Organized Play Kits we'll send to your game store, including copies of a neutral hero card and prize support.
Reprint Policy: If you're wondering how hard it will be to find more cards and how reprints will affect the value of your collection, this article will tell you everything you need to know before buying a Starter Set and sitting down for your first game session.
Munchkin CCG: The Dirty Half-Dozen: This article expounds on the six types of cards in the game. The Hero, Loot, Monster, Ally, Mischief, and Location card each brings its own level of strategy to deck building and play, so read on to build strong, custom decks.
Spellbind Your Enemies! The first in a series that will focus wholly on one of our Munchkin CCG heroes, this article provides in-depth knowledge of the Human Wizard's coolest abilities, as well as a detailed look at some of the cards that will help you defeat your opponent when playing with this hero.
Drafting the Munchkin Collectible Card Game: Take a guided tour of a mock draft with Ariel as she talks about the strategies and reasoning behind her picks, and get some insight to this fun, frantic format!
Deliver a Sermon of Pain! Our second hero spotlight gives you the strategies and tactics of playing the Dwarf Cleric, a hero full of healing capabilities. Learn how to play him, and how to play against someone using him.
We're sure you want to know all about our most anticipated release of the year, so keep an eye out for our newest articles by liking the Munchkin CCG Facebook page to receive updates!
Can't wait for the Munchkin Collectible Card Game? We're offering a special holiday preorder bundle on Warehouse 23 right now!
-- Tyeera Garza

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