May 23, 2018: The Desolation Of Blarg Prereleases And Learn-To-Play Events
Are you excited about The Desolation of Blarg expansion – and you just can't wait to get your hands on Blarg himself (and other great new cards)? Or maybe you just need a learn-to-play event for you or your friends? Either way, these events are for you! Each of the following The Desolation of Blarg Prerelease Events is preceded by a learn-to-play event.
The Desolation of Blarg comes out May 30, but if you're in one of the following areas, you can play it earlier! Most of these have limited seating, so get signed up today!
If you don't live in one of these areas, never fear. We've got The Desolation of Blarg Release Events the weekend of June 8 all over the U.S. and Canada.
Saturday, May 26
Top Cut Comics - Rockford
2430 South Alpine Rd.
Rockford, IL 61108
Join our graphic artist Andrew Frisch for a learn-to-play at 1 p.m. and a Blarg prerelease at 3 p.m.! (Ask him about his Ranger deck. It's a Beastie.)
Saturday, May 26
The Uncommons
230 Thompson Street
New York, NY 10012
You may know our marketing director, Rhea Friesen, from some of our Facebook Live events. Join her for a learn-to-play at 10 a.m. and a Blarg prerelease at noon!
Sunday, May 27
The Comic Book Depot / Battle City Gym
2847 Jerusalem Ave.
Wantagh, New York 11793
Marketing director Rhea Friesen, who likes a good Orc Bard deck, will run a learn-to-play at 11:30 a.m., with a Blarg prerelease at 1 p.m.
Thursday, May 24
Titan Moon Comics
1540 Cypress Creek Road #108
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Devin Lewis, one of Steve Jackson Games' developers, will run a learn-to-play at 6 p.m. and a Blarg prerelease at 7:30 p.m. Feel free to ask him for spoilers from upcoming sets. (He won't tell you any, but feel free to ask . . .)
Saturday, May 26, with times TBD
Dragon's Lair Houston at Comicpalooza 2018
Saturday, May 26
Collected Fort Worth
3016 Alta Mere Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Devin Lewis will run a learn-to-play at 1 p.m. and a Blarg prerelease at 3 p.m. Ask him about his Warrior deck.
Sunday, May 27
Knight Watch Games
16350 Blanco Road #116
San Antonio, TX 78232
Game developer Devin Lewis will run a learn-to-play at 1 p.m. and a prerelease at 3 p.m. Ask him about his Lucky Giant's Toe-themed Thief deck.
Friday, May 25
Heroes Welcome Comics & Games
424 Main Street
Menomonie, WI 54751
Steve Jackson Games graphic designer Andrew Frisch will run a learn-to-play at 5 p.m. and a Blarg prerelease at 7 p.m. Ask him about the best use of the Dork Steel Hat; he's figured out how to maximize it!
Sunday, May 27
I'm Board! Games & Family Fun
6917 University Ave.
Middleton, WI 53562
Steve Jackson Games CEO Phil Reed will teach a learn-to-play at 11 a.m. and run a Blarg prerelease at 1 p.m. Phil will happily destroy any W cards you bring!
-- Ariel Barkhurst

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