January 14, 2021: Coming On Monday: The GURPS Pyramid Scheme!
Our first Kickstarter campaign of 2021 is set to be a blast as, with your support, we launch the first three issues in a new volume of Pyramid! So far we have shared the article lists for two of the issues (Fantasy/Magic I and Modern/Action I), and now it is time to announce the articles for the third issue: Sci-Fi/Tech I.
Sci-Fi/Tech - Articles at Launch
Reign of Action — Roger Burton West [how to use GURPS Action with GURPS Reign of Steel]
Space Zombies! — J. Edward Tremlett [a new type of "zombies" for spacefaring campaigns]
The Murrinres Portals — Jason Brick [a campaign framework/device to allow travel between worlds]
Sci-Fi/Tech - Stretch Goal Articles
Lord Kelvin's Icebox — Matt Wehmeier [an alternate Earth — post-apocalyptic]
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes — Sean Punch [expansion of article from Pyramid #3/2 — crazy games/sports in sci-fi settings]
The Divine Pacific Republic of Datastan — Matt Riggsby [ready-to-use cyberpunk locale]
More Options for Metatronic Generators — Christopher R. Rice [expansion of new rules option for a Pyramid issue]
Ghost Planets — J. Edward Tremlett [ready-to-use locales for spacefaring campaigns]
The Toughest Race in the Solar System — Carolyn Ivy Stein and Steve Stein [framework for how to do a "space race"]
Mind Over Time — Aleksei Isachenko [new time-related options for GURPS Psionics]
Putting Science in Your Fiction — Sean Punch [rules for increasing scientific knowledge in GURPS]
If all project stretch goals are unlocked before the campaign closes, that will expand each issue to 52 pages in length. The $6 reward gets you all three of the new issues, and we have a handful of other reward levels that may interest you (including another shot at the GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge titles as well as credit in BackerKit to get even more GURPS PDFs during the survey).
Follow the GURPS Pyramid Scheme campaign today and please join us when the project launches next week.
-- Phil Reed

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