February 18, 2020: Munchkin Musings: February 2020
Congratulations! The 2020 A.D. Kickstarter has funded and we've reached our first stretch goal: a bonus day in February! Next up: flying cars and jetpacks!
While we're waiting for long-promised future tech, here's the latest news from the world of Munchkin.
Munchkin Tails
We are very excited about this new set coming in June. Illustrated by Katie Cook and designed by me, this new game lets you explore the dungeon as anthropomorphic dogs, foxes, mice, and ponies. It's adorable and fully compatible with the original Munchkin game. We'll have previews coming up both here and over at munchkin.game, so keep an eye out. We aren't quite done with the Tails-iverse this year, either . . . more about that in a few months.
Death and Destruction
The first expansion for Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar is on its way to your Friendly Local Game Store right now! Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Death and Destruction features two of the weirdest Armies in the entire Age of Sigmar setting: the strangely "civilized" undead Flesh-Eater Courts, and the unabashedly uncivilized Ironjawz orruks. John's art continues to make these sets shine and we know you'll enjoy adding these 112 new cards to your game. Look for it toward the end of this month.
We aren't done with Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar by a long shot, either. We have a new Kill-O-Meter coming in March, a pack of Lightning Dice coming in April, and the second 112-card expansion coming in May: Chaos and Order. As I write this, the third expansion is in playtest, shooting for a release in the fall. We'll have a lot more about that later this year!
Don't think we're neglecting Munchkin Warhammer 40,000, either! As Phil said in the 2019 Stakeholders Report, we have a third expansion for that game coming this summer, and it will be at our factory ready to print when they return from their New Year holiday.
Some Housekeeping
I dropped a link to the Stakeholders Report in the last paragraph, but let me talk about it a bit more. Steve started that report in 2004, reporting on the previous year, and we've now kept up that tradition for 17 years, with Phil taking over the writing duties several years ago. There is no better way to get a sense of how Steve Jackson Games is doing, and where we think we should be going, than to read that report each spring. Links to all the previous reports are at the bottom of the page, and it's a fascinating exercise to read through them to see how our priorities have shifted (and often, why). I encourage everyone to read this year's report and then head over to the special forum thread we maintain for discussion of the reports.
In that same message, I also casually mentioned the Chinese New Year holiday. Of course, China has been much in the news over the past couple of weeks because of coronavirus, and we're watching that news closely and sending our best wishes to everyone, in China and around the world, dealing with this illness. We're waiting to see what, if any, effect this has on our release schedule. The best way to stay up to date is to read the Daily Illuminator and follow our various social media channels.
See you next month!
-- Andrew Hackard

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