December 12, 2022: Holiday Hijinks

It's that time of year . . . the time when I try to sell you stuff with a line about "stocking stuffers." So, cutting to the chase . . . what have we got with a Christmas theme?
Bad Christmas – This is brand new . . . the traditional office game of "Dirty Santa," executed as a card game, with art by Greg Hyland. Very quick, very silly. Anybody for an inflatable birdhouse? (Don't laugh. I saw in the store today, for real, a yodeling pickle. I made the mistake of pushing the Try Me button. It worked exactly as advertised, unfortunately.)
The 12 Dice of Christmas – Also brand new, but not exactly. This is the game system you saw in Z-Shot, with the Bullet Dice. I actually wrote it first as a family game, and now it's back to those roots. It's not totally unlike Yahtzee, but there is interaction (by which I mean shin-kicking) between the players. Also, 12 shiny red dice, which you know you want.
If you enjoy Deadly Doodles, there is a score pad with a special Santa-face dungeon.
We've done various Christmas-themed Munchkin sets over the years. "Santa" is now a monster type! In Warehouse 23 right now, we've got both Tails of the Season, a 15-card expansion pack, and the 12 Days of Munchkin Christmas coloring book, which comes with 10 cards.
Add a holiday twist to your The Fantasy Trip campaign with St. Ick, a printable miniature STL.
-- Steve Jackson

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