August 8, 2022: Kickstarter Reports, August 2022 UpdateWe have a campaign in funding (GURPS Pyramid Scheme) and five projects in the fulfillment stage. Of those five projects in fulfillment, we expect to complete shipping four of them before the end of August. This is great news, since it clears the decks for us to try some other crowdfunding projects. What's next? Hexagram #10 later this month . . . and then we'll turn to our list of in-the-works games and decide which one fits the needs of "close to completion" and "can be manufactured and delivered within a few months." Please follow us on Kickstarter – Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 – to receive notice when we launch new campaigns. Steve Jackson Games' 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme
Pathfinder Revolution! by Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games' One Roll Chronicles RPG Adventure
Nanogames: Dragons & Jack-o'-Lanterns by Steve Jackson
The Official Munchkin Bookmarks Campaign of "Ocean" Dice
Steve Jackson's Munchkin® Presents BATMAN™
Car Wars Sixth Edition by Steve Jackson Games
As we continue to experiment with Kickstarter, and as we learn what works for us, we strive to balance a mix of projects we can fulfill quickly (within a few months) and those bigger projects that may need up to a year or more to complete. We have lots of projects and plans, but the calendar only allows so many Kickstarter projects in a year . . . and the traditional means of distribution are not as stable or reliable as they once were. Not a great combination, but we are doing our best to learn how to operate in this new world. We do not yet have exact launch dates for our upcoming projects, so please follow both Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 on Kickstarter so that you don't miss anything. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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