Daily Illuminator

August 5, 2022: Two New Christmas Games Now At Print


Now in the manufacturing stage, these two games -- each designed by Steve Jackson -- were created for your family's gatherings during the holiday season. Both are inexpensive, fast-playing, and perfect for those of you who enjoy breaking out festive games during a Christmas party. The two games are currently scheduled for release in October, which should give them plenty of time to work their way through the distribution process to your store shelves.

  • The 12 Dice of Christmas - 12 Christmas-y dice make for one fast, fun game! You're picking dice to get the right numbers to buy the presents you need for Christmas . . . and keep your friends from getting what THEY want. Ho ho ho! Also includes a seasonal dice bag!
  • Bad Christmas - The Family Game of Awful Presents. They may be horrible . . . but some of them are just what YOU want! Pick your favorites and try to get them as fast as you can, because the game might end at any time . . .

Although both games are far enough out that we're not yet collecting pre-orders, they do appear on our New Releases page where we list all new and (announced) upcoming games, expansions, and accessories. If you are ever curious about what we've got in the works for release over the next four or so months, the New Releases page on our site is the best place for information.

-- Phil Reed

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