April 26, 2016: Announcements For July
It's a horde of mythical beasts, mixed up monsters, zombies, and . . . princesses? Check out the coming attractions from Steve Jackson Games in July!
Katie Cook has gotten her hands on Munchkin Cthulhu, and the cutening has begun! Take the Lovecraftian terror and humor of the original, and add Katie's charming artwork and you have the most hilarious combination this side of Innsmouth. Katie has illustrated Munchkin Kittens and Munchkin Puppies, two of our cutest expansions, so tapping her for this was a no-brainer. Nothing says "inescapable terror" like Chibithulhu, right?
Moop is a crazy wizard who takes your favorite animals, puts them in a blender, and then has them fight you! Moop's Monster Mashup is an adorable addition to Munchkin, where animal hybrid monsters like the Owligator and Tigorilla face the steely blade of the . . . Beaver Cleaver?! The twisted creations are brought to life with the artwork of Ian McGinty.
This game is fully compatible with Munchkin.
Lots of games and expansions are coming back from the dead with new printings in July!
Both expansions for one of our most popular games are back in print with Zombie Dice 2: Double Feature and Zombie Dice 3: School Bus. Do you like collecting brains? Then you'll love these new dice!
Zombie Dice 2: Double Feature gives you three different ways to mutilate medula oblongata. Following your classic horror movie tropes, like direct-to-video sequels and action movies, you have a buffet of brains at your disposal, including Santa Claus! For the ultimate risk, but the sweetest gray matter reward, try Zombie Dice 3: School Bus, which puts an entire class at your deceased fingertips. Those kids are packing heat though, so you better watch out.
A blood sucking, evil, mythical monster. No, not your best friends. We're talking about the Chupacabra, and the only way to make it through the night is to get all of your opponents dice. Leave them dice-less, and you make it through the night, leaving your pals to have their blood sucked dry. It even has glow-in-the-dark dice! If you're brave enough to play it in the dark, that is.
Anybody can enjoy Munchkin Princesses, royalty or otherwise. I mean, being actual royalty may help; I wouldn't know. It's not like I'm secretly a prince hiding as a pauper working here at SJ Games. If anyone claims that, they're crazy. All I'm saying is Munchkin Princesses is great, even for peons like myself. Me, a totally normal, everyday, Munchkin loving person who is definitely not the son of a king.
Look for all this awesomeness at your friendly local game store in July!
-- Hunter Shelburne

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