April 15, 2014: Peachstate Hobby Show In Dallas On April 17On Thursday, April 17, Randy and I will be in Dallas attending the Peachstate Hobby Speed Gaming event. I'll spend Thursday morning and afternoon manning our exhibit space, speaking with retailers, and showing off our latest releases, all in preparation for the evening's "Speed Gaming" fun. What is "Speed Gaming"? I participated in this last fall at Peachstate's Orlando event . . . and it was a lot of fun! What happens is several game publishers sit down at tables and then every fifteen to twenty minutes a new group of retailers join your table for a quick game. Last year I ran a lot of Zombie Dice and Chupacabra, and a little Cthulhu Dice, and this time around Randy and I will add Mars Attacks -- The Dice Game to the mix. If you're a retailer in Texas then we hope to see you at the Peachstate Hobby Speed Gaming event. And if you're a retailer outside of Texas please contact your distributor and ask about upcoming open house sessions. We try to attend as many open houses as possible each year; maybe we'll see you soon! Oh, and you should also be on the lookout for Randy Scheunemann at the Dallas Games Marathon if you're there! -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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