(Supplied by Robert Kelk. Thanks! –arcangel@prismnet.com)
Jump to articles beginning with:
37 Billion NPCs (Creed Lambard, Roleplayer #16)
Accentuating the Negative (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #12)
Advanced Bionics Rules (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #26)
Advanced Rules for Fatigue and Recovery (Richard LeDuc, Roleplayer #21)
Adventure: Bring 'Em Back Alive! (Barry Link, Roleplayer #22)
Adventure: The Isle of Night (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #10)
Allan Cole and Chris Bunch's "Sten" Books (Primary Sources) (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #27)
An Alternate System of Magic (Ley Lines) (Tim Keating, Roleplayer #25)
And in this Episode . . . (Brian J. Underhill, Roleplayer #16)
The Androids for GURPS Cyberpunk (David Pulver, Roleplayer #29)
Are You and Your Players Playing the Same Game? Matching Play Style with GM Style (John Sgammato, Roleplayer #22)
Aspected Magery as a Tool for Game Balance (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #22)
At Last . . . Books and Bookstores! (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #16)
Attack from Above (Norman Banduch & Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #4)
Autoduel Character: Danielle Adair (from Roleplayer #4)
Back At The Magic Shop: Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2 (from Roleplayer #27)
Basic Set, Third Edition (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #11)
Bestiary: The Yrl-Tree: An Enlightening Encounter (Scott Maykrantz, Roleplayer #22)
A Bigger Roleplayer (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #14)
The Birth of GURPS IST (Robert Schroeck, Roleplayer #23)
Black Dogs, Church Grims and Hell Hounds: Supernatural Canines in British Folklore (Graeme Davis, Roleplayer #30)
Bleeding Kansas: An Old West Campaign in the Civil War (Robert L. Collins, Roleplayer #28)
Brawling, Western Style (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #29)
Bring 'Em Back Alive! A Cliffhangers, Old West or Special Ops Adventure (Barry Link, Roleplayer #22)
Bronze Skeletons: Magical Monsters – or Machines? (Robert Collins, Roleplayer #22)
Bruce Sterling's "Mechanist/Shaper" Universe (Primary Sources) (Ben Iglauer, Roleplayer #26)
Building a Better 'Borg: Advanced Bionics Rules (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #26)
Building Better Battles: Five Optional Rules for Advanced Combat (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #30)
Building Character (from Roleplayer #18)
Bujold and The Integral Trees (Primary Sources) (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #24)
BURPS: Coming Detractions: Your Life is Worthless Without These Books (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #23)
C-Punk Outtakes (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
Calling all Beasties (from Roleplayer #14)
Cavemen and Conquistadors (Kirk Tate, Roleplayer #15)
Changes to Firearm Damage (from Roleplayer #12)
The Character Design Rules for Horses (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #21)
Character Points: Thar's Gold in Them Thar Skills (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #10)
Cheating the Reaper: The Deus ex Machina in GURPS Cliffhangers (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #24)
Christian Clerics in Yrth: Ideas for Divinely-Granted Powers (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #24)
Combat Modifiers (from Roleplayer #5)
Combat Rules in the Basic Set (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #2)
Combining GURPS Horror with The Prisoner: The Village is a Frightening Place (Christopher Burke, Roleplayer #24)
Coming Attractions (this column appeared in all thirty issues of Roleplayer)
Coming Detractions: Your Life is Worthless Without These Books (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #23)
The Complete Powerstone (Brett Slocum, Roleplayer #18)
Conan Beyond Thunder River: From the Cutting-Room Floor (W.G. Armintrout, Roleplayer #15)
Concentrated Defense: Protecting Your Vital Interests (Charles Wheatley, Roleplayer #27)
A New Advantage: Contacts (Brian J. Underhill, Roleplayer #15)
Converting a Campaign to GURPS (Rich Ostorero, Roleplayer #19)
Converting The Hero System to GURPS (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #21)
Cops in GURPS (from Roleplayer #6)
Creating Intelligent Animal Races (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #21)
Creatures of Fear: Monsters from Medieval Legend (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #24)
Cryptography for Everyone (Sean Barrett, Roleplayer #28)
Cthulhu Lives! Lovecraftian Horror in GURPS (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #22)
Cyberpunk GURPS (Earl S. Cooley III, Roleplayer #9)
Cyberpunk Outtakes (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
Danielle Adair (an Autoduel character from Roleplayer #4)
Demons! New Summoning Spells and Expanded Generation Tables (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #26)
Designing a World? (from Roleplayer #5)
The Deus ex Machina in GURPS Cliffhangers (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #24)
Disadvantage: Secrets (Craig Russell, Roleplayer #11)
Disadvantages for GURPS (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #1)
Do You Want To Live Forever? Immortal Characters and Campaigns (Henrik Martensson, Roleplayer #26)
The Double-Blind Arena: Realistic One-on-One Combat (Barry Link, Roleplayer #23)
Enchantment 101: Mass-Producing Magic Items (Drew Bittner, Roleplayer #28)
Enhanced Beasts: Creating Intelligent Animal Races (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #21)
Errata (from Roleplayer #19) – other Errata appeared in issues #1-12, #15-20, and #22-30
Everything About Yrth: Writing GURPS Fantasy, Second Edition (Janet Naylor, Roleplayer #21)
Expanded Rules for Extra Effort (Daniel U. Thibault, Roleplayer #24)
Expanding the Acrobatics Skill with Maneuvers (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #25)
Famous Western Heros and Badmen (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #25)
Fantasy Worlds – One or Many? (from Roleplayer #4)
Fanzines Forever! Freedom of the Press Belongs to Those Who Own One (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #28)
Fanzines: The Great Lost Works (from Roleplayer #24)
A Feral Fiend from French Folklore (The Wolfmaster) (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #27)
The Fight's Over Already? Optional Rules for Pacing Combat (Chris W. McCubbin, Roleplayer #29)
Five Optional Rules for Advanced Combat (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #30)
For Prospective Writers (from Roleplayer #1)
Further Definition for the Area Knowledge Skill (S. John Ross, Roleplayer #29)
Gadgets, Lots of Gadgets (David Pulver, Roleplayer #17)
Generic Land Battle Rules for GURPS (Brett Slocum, Roleplayer #30)
The Gift of Tongues: Optional Language Rules for GURPS (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #26)
Giganthropus (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #17)
Give Me A Hand: Updated Rules for Extra & Enhanced Limbs (Steve Jackson & Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #20)
The GM's Library (Aaron Allston, Roleplayer #8)
Grendel (Bruce Morton, Roleplayer #11)
The Grimoire of Gathianol (from Roleplayer #3)
GURPS 3rd Edition – Bigger and Better (from Roleplayer #12)
GURPS Autoduel: An AADA Circuit Example (from Roleplayer #4)
Writing GURPS Camelot (Peggy and Bob Schroeck, Roleplayer #24)
GURPS Ice Age (from Roleplayer #13)
GURPS Mass Combat: Generic Land Battle Rules for GURPS (Brett Slocum, Roleplayer #30)
GURPS on Hârn (Michael Cule, Roleplayer #26)
GURPS Options (from Roleplayer #11)
GURPS Space Adventure Seed (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #24)
GURPS Swashbucklers Designer's Article (from Roleplayer #12)
GURPS Talk (from Roleplayer #8)
GURPS Uplift Designer's Notes (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #25)
GURPS Wild Cards Preview (Mark Johnson, Roleplayer #15)
GURPS Q&A (this column appeared in issues #3-8 and #10-30)
A Half-Dozen Gaki to Go: More Hungry Ghosts for GURPS Japan (Tom Henrichs, Roleplayer #22)
Heraldry in Autoduel America (from Roleplayer #6)
High-Tech Low-Life: Cyberpunk GURPS (Earl S. Cooley III, Roleplayer #9)
High-Tech Low-Life (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #17)
Hiking (from Roleplayer #28)
Historical Alchemical Elixirs for GURPS Magic (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #13)
Horror Firearms and Explosives (p. H74, Roleplayer #12)
Horror From the Dawn of Time (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #26)
The Hospitallers in Yrth (Kirk Wilson Tate, Roleplayer #8)
How To Research, and When To Stop (Making Time Travel Live) (Paul Paquet, Roleplayer #27)
Human, Yes, But What Kind of Human? (Darren Madigan, Roleplayer #27)
"I am not a number! I am a free man!" (David Ladyman, Roleplayer #17)
I Hated Them, So I Killed Them: Limiting Mages Without Mass Murder (Stu Venerable,Jr., Roleplayer #24)
I Laugh At Your Puny Blasters! Ultra-Tech Armor (David L. Pulver, Roleplayer #28)
I'm Not Dead Yet! (John M. Ford, Roleplayer #16)
Ice Age Stalker: Horror From the Dawn of Time (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #26)
Ice Magics from the Frozen North (Marc Janssen, Roleplayer #7)
Ideas for Divinely-Granted Powers (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #24)
Ifrits: A New Race for Fantasy and SF Campaigns (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #20)
Illusion and Creation 575: Epistemological Calculus: So You Want To Be A Wizard? (Sean Barrett, Roleplayer #27)
Immortal Characters and Campaigns (Henrik Martensson, Roleplayer #26)
Improvisational Magic as the Only Magic (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #19)
In The Nick Of Time: Rescue Adventures for Time Travel (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #25)
Inherent Magic as the Only Magic (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #18)
Interesting Times (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
International Super Politics: The Birth of GURPS IST (Robert Schroeck, Roleplayer #23)
Intimidation and Ineptness: New Skill Rules for GURPS (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #23)
The Isle of Night (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #10)
Jennifer Blake, Car Warrior (Banduch & Ladyman, Roleplayer #5)
John Varley's "Titan" Trilogy (Primary Sources) (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #28)
Just One More Point: Optional Rules for Character Creation (Hernán Ruiz Camauër, Roleplayer #24)
Just Watch This One! Expanding the Acrobatics Skill with Maneuvers (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #25)
Langley Manor 2037 (Craig Sheeley, Roleplayer #7)
Larger Than Life: Point Management for High-Powered Campaigns (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #25)
Laser Guidance and Targeting Lasers in GURPS Autoduel (from Roleplayer #9)
Laying It On The Line: Ley Lines: An Alternate System of Magic (Tim Keating, Roleplayer #25)
Lead: It's Not Just For Bullets: Miniatures and Accessories for the Old West (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #27)
Legends of the Old West: Famous Western Heros and Badmen (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #25)
Letters (from Roleplayer #22-29)
Ley Lines: An Alternate System of Magic (Tim Keating, Roleplayer #25)
Librams in the Magical Campaign (Donald Qualls, Roleplayer #25)
Like the Back of My Hand: Further Definition for the Area Knowledge Skill (S. John Ross, Roleplayer #29)
Limiting Mages Without Mass Murder (Stu Venerable,Jr., Roleplayer #24)
Local Color: Human, Yes, But What Kind of Human? (Darren Madigan, Roleplayer #27)
Look! Up on the Shelf! The Return of GURPS Supers (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #23)
Lovecraftian Horror in GURPS (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #22)
Magic Affinities as a Limiting Factor: Aspected Magery as a Tool for Game Balance (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #22)
Magical Monsters – or Machines? (Bronze Skeletons) (Robert Collins, Roleplayer #22)
The Magnetic Sail Space Drive (Sean Barrett, Roleplayer #29)
Make your Best Better: Okinawan Martial Arts Styles (J.C. Connors & Brian McAuliffe, Roleplayer #26)
Making a Super (Mark Johnson, Roleplayer #17)
Making It Without Mega-Powers (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #23)
Making Magic Even Stronger (Brian Mackintosh, Roleplayer #24)
Making Old Disadvantages New (Carl Aaron Gerriets, Roleplayer #27)
Making Time Travel Live: How To Research, and When To Stop (Paul Paquet, Roleplayer #27)
Man to Man Index (from Roleplayer #2)
Mana-pulations: Tools &Techniques for Balancing Magical Adventures (Charles Wheatley, Roleplayer #29)
Martial Arts Designer's Article (C .J. Carella, Roleplayer #22)
Mass-Producing Magic Items (Drew Bittner, Roleplayer #28)
A Matter of Principle: Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages (S. John Ross, Roleplayer #24)
The Michaelites (Seán Nicolson, Roleplayer #19)
Miniatures and Accessories for the Old West (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #27)
The Minotaur (Michael Moe, Roleplayer #1)
Monsters from Medieval Legend (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #24)
Monstrous Foes for Viking Adventure (Graeme Davis, Roleplayer #24)
More Bang For The Buck: Ultra-Tech Grenades (David Pulver, Roleplayer #25)
More Hungry Ghosts for GURPS Japan (Tom Henrichs, Roleplayer #22)
More Options for Character Creation (from Roleplayer #25)
More Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2 (Drew Bittner, Roleplayer #28)
More Ultra-Technology: New Super-Science Gadgets (David Pulver, Roleplayer #24)
More Ways to Foretell the Future (S. John Ross, Roleplayer #21)
The Most Dangerous Place on Yrth (Orctown) (Scott Maykrantz, Roleplayer #23)
A New Advantage: Contacts (Brian J. Underhill, Roleplayer #15)
New Advantages and Disadvantages: More Options for Character Creation (from Roleplayer #25)
New Devices and Weapon Table (David Pulver, Roleplayer #27)
New Disadvantages (from Roleplayer #4)
New Disadvantages (from Roleplayer #8)
New for GURPS – this column appeared in issues #11-30
New Hit Location Table (from Roleplayer #10)
New Methods of Divination: More Ways to Foretell the Future (S. John Ross, Roleplayer #21)
New Necromantic Spell (from Roleplayer #4)
A New Race for Fantasy and SF Campaigns (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #20)
New Rules for Wealth and Jobs (from Roleplayer #6)
New Skill Rules for GURPS (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #23)
New Skill: Hiking (from Roleplayer #28)
New Spells from the Aery Guild (from Roleplayer #5)
New Summoning Spells and Expanded Demon Generation Tables (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #26)
New Super-Science Gadgets (David Pulver, Roleplayer #24)
The Next Best Thing to Human: Androids for GURPS Cyberpunk (David Pulver, Roleplayer #29)
Next Issue: 32 Pages! (from Roleplayer #20)
The Noble Steed: Character Design Rules for Horses (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #21)
Norse Trolls: Monstrous Foes for Viking Adventure (Graeme Davis, Roleplayer #24)
NPC Allies in GURPS (Jerry Epperson, Roleplayer #7)
NPC Record Card (from Roleplayer #1)
Okinawan Martial Arts Styles (J.C. Connors & Brian McAuliffe, Roleplayer #26)
On the Road Again (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #18)
The Once and Future Legend: Writing GURPS Camelot (Peggy & Bob Schroeck, Roleplayer #24)
One Solar System? What Good is That? (John M. Ford, Roleplayer #11)
The One-Minute Jouster: Quick Tournament Rules (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #24)
The Optional Language Rules for GURPS (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #26)
Optional Rules for Advanced Combat (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #30)
Optional Rules for Character Creation (Hernán Ruiz Camauër, Roleplayer #24)
Orctown: the Most Dangerous Place on Yrth (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #23)
Organic is for Wimps! Robots in GURPS Supers (J.C. Connors, Roleplayer #28)
Origins Ballot (from Roleplayer #5)
Origins Ballot (from Roleplayer #23)
Osmids, a new race for use with Flight 13 [or other SF&F games! – arcangel@prismnet.com] (W.G. Annintrout, Roleplayer #22)
Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items (McCubbin & Thibault, Roleplayer #22)
Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2 (from Roleplayer #27)
Paganism on Yrth (Brett Slocum, Roleplayer #20)
PCs Do It by Default: Using Default Skills in Character Creation (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #22)
Playing With a Full Deck (John J. Miller, Roleplayer #16)
Playing With Your Mind: Secret Knowledge from GURPS Illuminati (Nigel Findley, Roleplayer #28)
Point Management for High-Powered Campaigns (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #25)
Powerstone Contest Winners (from Roleplayer #20)
Practical Hints for the "Seven" Scenario (Robert Collins, Roleplayer #23)
Preliminary Bout: Starting an Adventure with a Bang! (William Wilson Goodman Jr., Roleplayer #22)
A Preview of the GURPS Bestiary (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #7)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Allan Cole and Chris Bunch's "Sten" Books (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #27)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Bruce Sterling's "Mechanist/Shaper" Universe (Ben Iglauer, Roleplayer #26)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Bujold and The Integral Trees (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #24)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: John Varley's "Titan" Trilogy (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #28)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: W.F. Saint's "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #25)
Protecting Your Vital Interests (Charles Wheatley, Roleplayer #27)
Psi-Amplifiers (David Pulver, Roleplayer #19)
Public Key Encryption: Cryptography for Everyone (Sean Barrett, Roleplayer #28)
Questionnaire Responses (from Roleplayer #1)
Questionnaire (from Roleplayer #4; see also the Results from the Roleplayer 4 Questionnaire from Roleplayer #6)
Questions & Answers (from Roleplayer #1)
Quick Learning Under Pressure (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #18)
The Quick Tournament Rules (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #24)
The Realistic One-on-One Combat (Barry Link, Roleplayer #23)
Really Simple Shortcuts for Really Quick Battles (Very Basic Melee Combat) (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #23)
Realms of the Mind (Loyd Blankenship & Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
Rescue Adventures for Time Travel (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #25)
Results from the Roleplayer 4 Questionnaire (from Roleplayer #6)
The Return of GURPS Supers (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #23)
The Return of Triplanetary (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
Return to Nightmare City: New Sectors for Flight 13 (W.G. Armintrout, Roleplayer #22)
Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Allan Cole and Chris Bunch's "Sten" Books (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #27)
Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Bruce Sterling's "Mechanist/Shaper" Universe (Ben Iglauer, Roleplayer #26)
Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Bujold and The Integral Trees (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #24)
Reviews of Gameable Fiction: John Varley's "Titan" Trilogy (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #28)
Reviews of Gameable Fiction: W.F. Saint's "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #25)
Riverworld and the Village (J.M. Caparula, Roleplayer #20)
Robin Hood Across Time and Space: Theme and Variations (Robert & Peggy Schroeck, Roleplayer #27)
Robots in GURPS Supers (J.C. Connors, Roleplayer #28)
Roleplayer Goes Commercial (from Roleplayer #6)
Saving Some Gadgets for the Next Adventure (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #25)
Scaring Your Players (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #17)
A Science Fiction Super-Race (We Who Harvest Souls) (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #25)
Secret Knowledge from GURPS Illuminati (Nigel Findley, Roleplayer #28)
Secrets: A New Disadvantage for GURPS (Craig Russell, Roleplayer #11)
Seen In A Different Light: Making Old Disadvantages New (Carl Aaron Gerriets, Roleplayer #27)
A Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages (S.John Ross, Roleplayer #24)
Seven Heros: Practical Hints for the "Seven" Scenario (Robert Collins, Roleplayer #23)
The Shadow Eaters: Vampires in a Cyberpunk Campaign (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #21)
Short Notes (this column appeared in issues #3-20 and #22-30 of Roleplayer)
SJ Games Raided! (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #19)
SJG-BBS (from Roleplayer #1)
SJG-BBS (from Roleplayer #2)
Sleep: Advanced Rules for Fatigue and Recovery (Richard LeDuc, Roleplayer #21)
The Snagger: A Surprise for Science Fiction or Fantasy Campaigns (Charles Oines, Roleplayer #26)
Space and Humanx Weapon Updates (from Roleplayer #13)
The Sparrials (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #10)
Specters (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #18)
Spell Dependency Charts (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #16)
Spellcasting By The Book: Librams in the Magical Campaign (Donald Qualls, Roleplayer #25)
Split HT in GURPS (from Roleplayer #9)
Stalking the Mythical Monsters (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #20)
Starting an Adventure with a Bang! (William Wilson Goodman Jr., Roleplayer #22)
Stellar Windjammers: The Magnetic Sail Space Drive (Sean Barrett, Roleplayer #29)
The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light: Writing GURPS Arabian Nights (Phil Masters, Roleplayer #30)
Super System Switching: Converting The Hero System to GURPS (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #21)
Super-Pansies: Diagnosis and Treatment: Making It Without Mega-Powers (David Ellis Dickerson, Roleplayer #23)
Supernatural Canines in British Folklore (Graeme Davis, Roleplayer #30)
A Surprise for Science Fiction or Fantasy Campaigns (The Snagger) (Charles Oines, Roleplayer #26)
Table of Organization Diagrams (Mike Hurst, Roleplayer #17)
Take Your Pick (from Roleplayer #2)
A Tale From GURPS Fantasy II: The Mad Lands (Robin D. Laws, Roleplayer #30)
Talismans (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #15)
The Television Series Campaign (Stephen Beeman, Roleplayer #8)
Thar's Gold in Them Thar Skills (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #10)
That's Powerful Stuff! Making Magic Even Stronger (Brian Mackintosh, Roleplayer #24)
Theme and Variations (GURPS Robin Hood) (Robert & Peggy Schroeck, Roleplayer #27)
Thirty-seven Billion NPCs (Creed Lambard, Roleplayer #16)
Three New Ways to Knock 'Em Down (from Roleplayer #9)
Too Much of a Good Thing: Saving Some Gadgets for the Next Adventure (Scott Paul Maykrantz, Roleplayer #25)
Tools & Techniques for Balancing Magical Adventures (Charles Wheatley, Roleplayer #29)
Trouble at the High Tide Saloon: Brawling, Western Style (Ann Dupuis, Roleplayer #29)
Try a Little Bit Harder: Expanded Rules for Extra Effort (Daniel U. Thibault, Roleplayer #24)
Ultra Tech Wants You (from Roleplayer #11)
Ultra Weapons, Ultra Healing: New Devices and Weapon Table (David Pulver, Roleplayer #27)
Ultra-Tech Armor (David L. Pulver, Roleplayer #28)
Ultra-Tech Grenades (David Pulver, Roleplayer #25)
Ultra-Tech Slugthrowers (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #23)
The United Church as a Patron (GURPS Humanx) (J. David George, Roleplayer #7)
Up Harzburk! Recalled (from Roleplayer #13)
Up With Magic! Down With Magic! (Mackintosh & Venable, Jr., Roleplayer #24)
Updated Rules for Extra & Enhanced Limbs (Steve Jackson & Loyd Blankenship (from Roleplayer #20)
Uplift Engineering: GURPS Uplift Designer's Notes (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #25)
Using (and Abusing) Eidetic Memory (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #11)
Using Default Skills in Character Creation (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #22)
Vampires in a Cyberpunk Campaign (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #21)
Vehicular Combat Modifiers (from Roleplayer #5)
Very Basic Melee Combat: Really Simple Shortcuts for Really Quick Battles (Steffan O'Sullivan, Roleplayer #23)
The Village is a Frightening Place (Christopher Burke, Roleplayer #24)
W.F. Saint's "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" (Primary Sources) (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #25)
Want to Playtest? (from Roleplayer #1)
We Did It! (from Roleplayer #15)
We Don't Need No Steekin' Lasers: Ultra-Tech Slugthrowers (C.J. Carella, Roleplayer #23)
We Who Harvest Souls: A Science Fiction Super-Race (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #25)
Weapons and Armor in GURPS Space: Part 1 of 2 (Mike Hurst, Roleplayer #14)
Weapons and Armor in GURPS Space: Part 2 of 2 (Mike Hurst, Roleplayer #15)
Welcome to the Future! (from Roleplayer #17)
Welcome (from Roleplayer #1)
Welcome (from Roleplayer #2)
A Whale of a Ship: GURPS Space Adventure Seed (Stefan Jones, Roleplayer #24)
What's In the Chest? Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items (Chris McCubbin & Daniel Thibault, Roleplayer #22)
Where Do You Get Those Crazy Characters? (Walter Milliken, Roleplayer #13)
A Whole New World: GURPS on Hârn (Michael Cule, Roleplayer #26)
Why All the Questions? (from Roleplayer #5)
The Wolfmaster: A Feral Fiend from French Folklore (Andrea Sfiligoi, Roleplayer #27)
Women as Swashbucklers (Lisa Evans, Roleplayer #13)
Wondrous Widgets: More Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2 (Drew Bittner, Roleplayer #28)
Writing for GURPS: Getting Your Foot in the Door (Steve Jackson, Roleplayer #28)
Writing for GURPS: The Art of Adventure Writing (Jeff Koke, Roleplayer #29)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #4)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #5)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #6)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #7)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #8)
Writing for GURPS (from Roleplayer #9)
Writing GURPS Arabian Nights (Phil Masters, Roleplayer #30)
Writing GURPS Fantasy, Second Edition (Janet Naylor, Roleplayer #21)
Writing Supers (Loyd Blankenship, Roleplayer #15)
Your Life is Worthless Without These Books (Chris McCubbin, Roleplayer #23)
The Yrl-Tree: An Enlightening Encounter (Scott Maykrantz, Roleplayer #22)
Zen and the Art of Game Design: Martial Arts Designer's Article (C .J. Carella, Roleplayer #22)
Zo Do Wabda and the Water Woman: A Tale From GURPS Fantasy II: The Mad Lands (Robin D. Laws, Roleplayer #30)
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