When this issue was complies, 271 MTM questionnaires had been returned (a great response, by the way) with another 20 or so coming in every week. And I read every one of them. A brief analysis of the responses:
1. Over half of us are using it as both a boardgame and RPG equally. Only 28 use it only as a boardgame; only 31 as roleplaying only.
2. What games do you use MTM with? 82 mentioned TFT; 33 mentioned some form of D&D (tm); 10 mentioned Runequest or another Chaosium BRP game; 6 mentioned Champions or another Hero System game. No other system was mentioned more than 5 times. 66 said "MTM only."
3. Which rule sections do you use? Only 7 use the basic rules only. 215 use the whole book. There was no pattern among those who pick and choose between the sections.
4. How hard were the rules to learn? Too easy: 1. Fairly easy: 76. Just right: 149. Fairly hard: 37. Too hard: 1. No response:13.
5. How hard were the rules to play? Too easy: 1. Fairly easy: 81. Just right: 153. Fairly hard: 22. Too hard: 1. No response:13.
6. How realistic were the rules: Very realistic: 232. Adequate: 34. Unrealistic: 1. No Response: 4.
7. What is more important, realism or playability? Total realism: 2. Mostly realism: 65. Equal: 93. Mostly playability: 107. Total playability: 3.
8. Had you seen Cardboard Heroes miniatures before? No: 30. Saw, but never bought: 98. Had bought some already: 143. No response: 1.
9. How do you like the Cardboard Heroes figures? Fantastic: 108. Good sometimes: 149. Yawn: 13. Ugh: 5. No response: 1.
10. Responses to different possible GURPS releases – the following are averages, where 1 is best and 5 worst. Complete fantasy roleplaying set: 1.65. Campaign book with roleplaying and non-combat skills: 1.77. High-tech weapons book: 2.05. Animal/arena book: 2.23. Generic dungeon crawl: 2.74. Pregenerated characters: 3.35.
11. What other supplements would you like to see? Common responses included science fiction, Oriental adventure, Car Wars (or vehicle rules in general), magic (it'll be in the fantasy box), superheroes, solo adventures, horror/occult, modern-period adventures, and a whole variety of "genre" worldbooks.
12. Would you like to see a regular GURPS magazine, something like Autoduel Quarterly, but not free? 102 would like to subscribe and contribute (great!). 75 would subscribe. 82 would check it out at the store, 3 would read friends' copies, 3 said "Ugh."
13. What did you think of the game as a whole: Loved it: 69. Liked it a lot: 195. Thought it was OK: 6. "Gather dust in the closet" and "Ugh": 0. No response: 1. (Come on, guy!)
14. Where did you buy the game? Lots of places . . .
15. Age. Under 12: 2. 13-15: 29. 16-19: 63. 20-25: 98. 26-30: 35. 31-30: 39. 41 and over: 5.
16. Time roleplaying. This was the big surprise. We have an elite and experienced group here! Responses were: Not at all (boardgamers): 2. Under 2 years: 1. 2-3 years: 13. 4-5 years: 61. 6-8 years: 133. 9-10 years: 40. 11 years and up: 21!
(Back to Roleplayer #1 Table of Contents)
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