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Everything We've Ever Released

This table, taken from our planning database, shows every game, supplement, book, or other product we have ever released, and gives its status:

  • In Print - Physically available from us and/or our distributors. The price shown is the suggested retail price for the most recent edition.
  • Digital - Available as a download from Warehouse23. The price shown is the current price (excepting temporary sales).
  • Out Of Print - No longer available from us and/or our distributors. Look for it at convention or Internet auctions, or check with dealers in out-of-print games.
  • Coming Soon - We have announced this product and actually sent it to the printer, so we can reasonably expect that it will be out before long.

Promotional items like posters, bookmarks, imprinted giveaways, and so on are not listed here. Most were available for only a short time.

Because this is a live report from our planning DB, it should always be up to date, especially as regards new products. However, because the database is not always updated immediately when an old item goes out of print, you may sometimes see an incorrect "In Print" status. If this list says that something is in print, but Warehouse 23 says it's is out of print, believe Warehouse 23.

If you find a problem with this information, send e-mail to, and we'll check it.

In Print OnlyDigital OnlyAvailable OnlyOut of Print OnlyComing Soon OnlyEverything!
Stock Number Title Line Status Price

2452 Car Wars Double-Barrel Danger Car Wars 6E COMING SOON! [buy] $10.95
2453 Car Wars Lethal Lineup Car Wars 6E COMING SOON! [buy] $12.95
2451 Car Wars Militant Munitions Car Wars 6E COMING SOON! [buy] $10.95
2450 Car Wars Savage Stockpile Car Wars 6E COMING SOON! [buy] $10.95
1346 Frag (5th Printing) COMING SOON! [buy] $24.95
1753 Last Shot COMING SOON! [buy] $16.95
1576 Munchkin 6 – Double Dungeons (6th Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $19.95
1485 Munchkin 8 – Half Horse, Will Travel (11th Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $19.95
1459 Munchkin Booty (9th Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $29.95
4243 Munchkin Princesses (4th Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $6.95
4462 Munchkin Shadowrun: Hack The Future (1st Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $19.95
4264 Munchkin Side Quests (4th Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $10.95
1589 Munchkin Snakes (2nd Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $10.95
4279 Munchkin Warm Fuzzies (1st Printing) Munchkin COMING SOON! [buy] $11.95
5981 Weather Dice Set (3rd printing) COMING SOON! [buy] $12.95
131313 Zombie Dice (21st Printing) Zombie Dice COMING SOON! [buy] $15.95

Steve Jackson Games
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