Origins nomination for Best
Card Game Expansion or
Supplement of 2001
Slack Attack made the 2002
Games 100 list as one of the best
games of the year!
Game Design by Jon Darbro
Development by Alain H. Dawson
Additional development by Steve Jackson and Russell Godwin
Illustrated by John Kovalic
Cover design by Philip Reed
56 cards.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock number 1333
ISBN 1-55634-450-3
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Chez Geek is the award-winning card game that throws open the door on apartment life – the cheap booze, the interrupted sleep, the shrieks of your roommate's S.O. Now add even more stress to your living situation with Chez Geek 2: Slack Attack. This 56-card expansion adds new stuff, new activities, new annoying "friends" – and, yes, new nookie! – to the ever-important quest for Slack.

- Looking to design your own Slack? Need to replace that worn-out Nookie card? Try Chez Geek Blank Cards!
The Munchkin Level Counter includes a Chez Geek counter!

- The Chez Geek FAQ. NOTE! If you are using the new rules with the old cards, you'll need to read the FAQ file as well, or you'll never be able to get a new job when you lose your old one . . .
- What They're Saying About Chez Geek
- Chez Geek Glossary
- A list of Chez Geek promo cards
- Chez Geek wallpaper, in 800x600, 1024x768, and 1600x1200 resolutions!