Life Cards: 205
Job Cards: 19
Life Cards
- Blank (3)
- Action Figures
- Allergies
- Anime
- Athletic Shoes
- Back Rub
- Bad Boss
- Bar Hopping
- Barbecue
- Beckett
- Beer
- Beer Goggles
- Beowulf
- Bong
- Book of the SubGenius
- Brain Fart
- Break Up
- Bubble Bath
- Bubble Blower
- Bum
- Burglar
- Busy Signal
- Cable Outage
- Caesar's Gallic Wars
- Call In Sick
- Campus Nookie
- Can't Handle It Guy
- Canned Spaghetti
- Car Alarm
- Cast Party Nookie
- Catch Some Rays
- CDs
- Change in Couch
- Cheez-in-a-Can
- Chinese Fire Drill
- Chinese Food
- Chips & Salsa
- Choad Warrior
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Cigar
- Cloves
- Clumsy Drunk
- Comics
- Computer Games (2)
- Computer Games *
- Concert
- Death of the Party
- Decorate the Drunk
- Double Expresso
- Dromedaries
- Dude, I'm Broke
- Dumpster Diving
- Dying for Dollars
- Eat That Thing!
- Elevator Nookie
- Extra Shift
- Feliz
- Find a Couch!
- Fire Truck
- Frat Man
- Frozen Dinner
- Fruity Drink
- Gamer Goth †
- GameStation
- Gaming Nookie
- Garbage Truck
- Get a Life
- Get Out!
- Gulliver's Travels
- Gummy Worms
- Guy on Couch
- Hang Out at Café (4)
- Harold the Hoopty Car
- Hash Brownies
- Hitler Science Theatre Y2K
- Hitler-y Mysteries
- Hot Sauce
- House Plant
- Huge Speakers
- Hungry Girl
- Infatuation
- Insomnia
- Joint
- Jonesing
- Justifiable Homicide
- Keg on Porch
- Laundry Day
- Leftovers
- Life of the Party
- Live-In S.O. (2)
- Lock
- Lord Yahoo
- Lost Remote
- Lottie
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Margarita
- Menthol Cloves †
- Menthols
- Microwave
- Microwave Popcorn
- Midnight
- Midnight Movie
- Mischief and Trouble
- Mitzi the Demon Hunter
- Money from Parents
- Moron with Chainsaw
- Movie Theater Nookie
- Mr. Enthusiastic
- Mr. Gamer
- Mr. Reliable
- Mutant Olympics
- Narcolepsy
- Net Nookie
- New Job
- No Pets!
- Nookie at Jimmy's
- Nookie Monster
- Nookienomicon *
- Not on the Bed!
- NT Server Docco
- Old Guy Upstairs
- Old Ragnarok
- On the Origin of Species
- Outdoor Nookie
- Party Next Door
- Party's Over
- Phone Bill
- Phone Nookie
- Piercing
- Pizza
- Power Outage Nookie
- Principia Mathematica
- Psycho Ex
- Psycho Kitty
- Raise (2)
- Ramen Noodles
- Recliner
- Rent a Movie
- RPGs (3)
- Scavenger Hunt
- Sci-Fi Convention
- Sci-Fi Drinking Game
- Seasoning
- Sell Plasma
- Serendipity
- She-Who-Cooks
- Shrooms
- Sleep (9)
- Sloths: Nature's Sedatives
- Snooze Button
- Snoring Roommate
- Social Darwinism
- Some Random Person
- Stout
- Student Loans
- Stupid Card Game
- Sucks to be You!
- Summer Movie
- Surf the Net (4)
- Survival Camp
- Talk Show
- Tattoo
- Tequila Shots
- The Animal Bothering Show
- The Game
- The Motivator
- The Shopper
- The Whiner
- The Why-Files
- Toga Party
- Too Much Bass
- TranQuil
- Tuition Due
- TV Queen
- Typhoid Mary
- Übergeek
- Ultra-Slims
- Used CDs
- Visit from Parents
- What Were We Talking About?
- White Russian
- Who Wants to Marry a Rich Weirdo?
- Wide-Screen TV
- You're Fired!
Job Cards
- Blank (1)
- Bike Messenger
- Campus Job
- Convenience Store Clerk
- Corporate Drone
- Drummer
- Envelope Stuffer
- Graphic Artist
- Lord of the Fries
- Pizza Delivery Driver
- Professional Research Subject
- Security Guard
- Slacker
- TA
- Tech Support
- Temp
- Waitstaff
- Web Designer
* from Chez Cthulhu
† from Chez Goth