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Shipped April 30, 2009

Transhuman Space Classic: Under Pressure

The Other Frontier

As mankind reaches to the planets, a last frontier remains on Earth . . . the oceans. Governments, corporations, political idealists, and outlaws are staking their claims. There are oceans on other worlds, too: Europa, Mars, Titan -- all unique and full of possibilities.

Transhuman Space: Under Pressure describes the oceans of the 22nd century, from the teeming seas of Earth to the icy ocean of Europa. Ocean arcologies . . . mining operations and terrorist foes . . . adventure and intrigue in an environment far more hostile than mere space.

This book also includes new character templates -- including new parahumans, bioroids, cybershells, and uplifted animals designed for aquatic existence -- and modular design rules for aquatic vehicles, compatible with the system in Transhuman Space: In The Well.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product. It can be updated to Fourth Edition using the conversion information in Transhuman Space: Changing Times.)

163-page PDF. Stock #30-6709, $11.00.
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Shipped April 23, 2009

Pyramid #3/6: Space Colony Alpha

In this issue of Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers, our theme is "Space Colony Alpha." In these 44 pages are tools, tips, and inspiration for any group of determined futurists looking to stake a claim on a distant world. Contents include:

  • "Surprises from Mother Nature" --four life forms that can present unique challenges for colonists. Each has GURPS stats, but is generic enough to plug into most space-faring games.
  • "When the Dark Eats You," which offers generic information on neuroses and mental afflictions likely to trouble the first off-worlders.
  • "The Super Colony," with ideas for how to combine colonization themes with more-than-human abilities.
  • Ready-to-print cards that allow you to make a representational map for a colony, with key features and how they relate to each other. Build it to your specifications, or "deal" out a random colony!
  • Plus articles dealing with the "whys and wherefores" of getting a colony together -- why colonists travel, what means do they use to get there, how they might set up their new homes, and how the travelers' distance from the homeworld affects the campaign.

In addition, Pyramid serves up more goodies that make a magazine fun, including odds and ends, Murphy's Rules with Greg Hyland, reviews and recommendations that fit the theme, and a "Last Word," where we ask an industry luminary to pick a word or phrase related to the issue's theme. This month, Ken Burnside, creative force behind Ad Astra Games, gives the last word on the first colony.

44-page PDF. Stock #37-2606, $9.00.
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Shipped April 16, 2009

GURPS Classic: Mars

The Red Planet. To the ancients, it was the God of War. To early astronomers, it seemed a world much like ours. To today's space explorers, it's the next step after the Moon . . . a harsh world that we might someday bring to life.

GURPS Mars describes Mars as it's been through the ages . . . as science now believes it really is . . . as it may be someday, mankind's first colony . . . and as the wild imaginations of science-fiction writers have pictured it!

Five different settings provide a Mars for every campaign, from hard science to "Attack of the Bug-Eyed Monsters."

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6715, $9.00.
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Shipped April 9, 2009

GURPS Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates

Arm Missiles! Fire Lasers!

The battle klaxons have sounded! GURPS Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates provides ships and game mechanics for exciting space combat between medium and large vessels. It includes an overview of space navy and pirate operations; it also features GURPS Spaceships statistics for dozens of sample warships, from patrol ships and frigates to star cruisers and battleships. Tactical maneuvering rules expand the GURPS Spaceships combat system to handle hex-based combat and chases using counters or miniatures, and additional rules cover squadron-level command tasks. In space, there's nothing personal between two enemy ships . . . just hard vacuum and hard choices.

This is the third volume in the GURPS Spaceships series by David Pulver (co-author of GURPS Fourth Edition). It requires only the GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Spaceships. GURPS Space is recommended for characters and campaigns; GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports provides civilian ships and cargo to loot or protect.

41-page PDF. Stock #37-0122, $9.00.
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Shipped April 2, 2009

GURPS Traveller Classic: Starports

Anchors of the Imperium

Patrol, trade, and Xboat routes are the lifelines of the Imperium, and starports are the anchors to which they are tethered. Serving as trade centers, customs offices, and outposts of civilization, starports play a central role in the lives of starfarers, and are a crucial source of goods, wealth, and information for even the most planetbound of souls. At the same time, they are havens for smugglers, fugitives, and black marketeers.

Starports classifies standard starports and describes their facilities, organization, and functions. It includes plans of typical spaceports from the Spinward Marches (including Mora, Graniff Field on Raydrad, Rech, Dhian, and Alell) and guidelines for starport adventures and encounters. There are also character templates for starport denizens, descriptions and floor plans of key locations, and deck plans for customs, liaison, emergency spacecraft, and some common starport ground vehicles.

Starports is designed to complement the Far Trader and Starships supplements, and offers a rich, detailed setting for a wide variety of adventures and campaigns in the GURPS Traveller universe.

(Note that this is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6610, $7.99.

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