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Shipped February 19, 2007

GURPS Ultra-Tech

Weapons, Vehicles, and Gadgets

GURPS Ultra-Tech is the sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of the imagination. It's a valuable companion to GURPS Space, GURPS Bio-Tech, and GURPS Infinite Worlds, and an exceptional resource for any character or campaign that needs technology from tomorrow . . . and beyond. GURPS Ultra-Tech is full of personal equipment for heroes and superheroes from TL9 to TL12, including:

  • Weapons - from caseless assault carbines and monomolecular swords to antimatter warheads and disassembler nano.
  • Protection - How do you stop a nanomorph assassin with a field-jacketed X-ray laser rifle? Try a dreadnought battlesuit and a personal force screen . . . .
  • Medicine - Superscience can heal, rebuild, and improve on nature. Death itself can become a temporary inconvenience. With cybernetics and neural interfaces, ultra-tech medical equipment and mind uploading, “medical miracles” become everyday occurrences.
  • Transport - Air cars, hovertanks, tilt rotors, grav belts, supercavitating minisubs, matter-transport booths – lots of ways to get where the action is, for the adventurer on the go!
  • As technology advances, the line between man and machine may become increasingly blurred. GURPS Ultra-Tech provides rules for establishing the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence, as well as templates for robotic or total cyborg bodies, from handy technical 'bots to shapeshifting nanomorphs.

And still more! Living biosuits, computer implants, holographic projectors, psionic amplifiers, neutrino communicators, nanofactories, hyperspectral goggles, chameleon suits, repair paste, Dyson spheres – there's something for every adventure at every tech level.

GURPS Ultra-Tech was written by David L. Pulver, co-author of the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition, and author or co-author of over 60 other gaming books, and Kenneth L. Peters, the author of Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System, and a co-author of Transhuman Space: Under Pressure.

This is the third edition of GURPS Ultra-Tech; it has been revised to the GURPS Fourth Edition rules. The oldest material included here dates back to the first edition of GURPS Space; other material was revised from the GURPS Third Edition versions of GURPS Ultra-Tech, GURPS Ultra-Tech 2, GURPS Cyberpunk , GURPS Psionics, GURPS Robots, and Transhuman Space.

From the edge of tomorrow to the star-flung future, GURPS Ultra-Tech can equip your characters and your campaign!

240 pages. Hardcover. Stock #01-0104, ISBN 978-1-55634-753-5. $34.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped February 19, 2007

GURPS Classic: Technomancer

An alternate world in which magic and technology both work...
all too well.

(This is an e23 reprint of a Third Edition product.)

On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was detonated at Trinity Site in New Mexico. The explosion ripped a hole in the fabric of space. Doctor Oppenheimer's words "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" unwittingly closed a necromantic ritual. The fireball vanished, but the mushroom cloud remained. This was the Hellstorm, a tornado of seething magical energy.

A pattern of enchanted fallout drifted across the southern United States and Mexico. The effects would not be felt immediately, but over the next generation, they would transform the world . . .

Magic had come to the modern 20th century. But like the power of the atom on our own Earth, it would prove a Pandora's Box.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6087, $9.00.
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Shipped February 19, 2007

GURPS Classic: Modern Firepower

A whole book of statistics and descriptions for the latest small arms and tactical equipment, filling the "arms gap" between High-Tech and Ultra-Tech. Here you'll find firearms (from handguns to support weapons), along with a wide variety of ammunition and accessories (such as extended magazines, scopes, and sound suppressors); body armor; and much more. A "must have" for any kind of modern-day action campaign! (This is an e23 reprint of a Third Edition product.)

49-page PDF Stock #30-6423, $4.00.
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Shipped February 19, 2007

GURPS MacGuffin Alphabet

T is for the Twisted Mind of Stefan Jones . . .

Twenty-six ways to get into trouble in a variety of science-fiction settings! Whether it involves deciphering intelligence reports disseminated in comic books or being brainwashed by the most comfortable bed in the world, you'll find over two dozen adventure seeds within, each more unusual than the last.

A MacGuffin is an object of desire for someone, somewhere -- perhaps they only wish to purchase it, but more likely they're willing to lie, steal, and murder to acquire it. Written by Stefan Jones (GURPS Uplift), MacGuffin Alphabet gives GMs more than just an excuse for action. Each item creates a springboard for charater interaction, and usually a little adventure.

If you want a mysterious aristocrat to hire a small team to "acquire" a copy of a musical meme hazard; if one of the heroes has found a pretty trinket that's going to start a war the next time he's seen wearing it in public; if you just want an encounter that's far off the beaten path . . . look to the MacGuffin Alphabet!

14-page PDF. Stock #37-1120, $6.00.
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