Daily Illuminator

September 18, 2024: Make Lizardly History In Your GURPS Games!

GURPS Fantasy Folk: The Reptilian Races

When it comes to fantastic GURPS games, who you know goes a long way toward making your campaign memorable. Let us introduce you to GURPS Fantasy Folk: The Reptilian Races. Now, you can add a whole swath of interesting – and quite alien! – entities to your game, from the dragon-blooded to lizard men to the sinister serpent-lords.

The Reptilian Races gives you everything you need to make these new colder-blooded kin come to life, with their GURPS templates, new styles of magic and martial arts, history, outlooks, and more. This volume joins the others in the GURPS Fantasy Folk series – where you can get to know elves, goblins and hobgoblins, kobolds, and winged folk.

With The Reptilian Races, you'll be ready with new friends or foes no matter what scale of conflict. And it's a download away, only from Warehouse 23!

-- Steven Marsh

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