Daily Illuminator

September 13, 2024: Quip It Good

I've talked before about how I . . . err, I mean, some writer friend envisions the world in gaming terms. Our household watches shows with a similar eye. We recently saw an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where the handcuffed hero – being held at gunpoint – hits the captor in the face with the villain's laptop. It's mildly effective, but not so much that the antagonist can't reassert dominance with the gun . . . at which point the hero, still holding the computer, asks, "Would you like to buy a laptop?"

When we saw it, our kiddo – who's been playing a super-charismatic conman for a few years now in one of his campaigns – said, "I am so stealing that line!" And, knowing his character, he may well pull it off.

Anyway, I know I'm a few years late to the party, but Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a really fun show to view through the lens of "RPG characters making decisions and rolling skills successfully or poorly."

-- Steven Marsh

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