Daily Illuminator

July 12, 2024: Driven Dreams

Our friends over at Diecast Media Network are working on a cool project, and they need your help to make it a success.
Driven Dreams is an annual event that aims to give diecast cars to kids in need. What sets this project apart from others is that participants donate vehicles to their local charities, rather than one particular group. Here's how the process works, according to the Driven Dreams website:
  1. Start by contacting local organizations to see if they accept toys. Examples include children's hospitals, shelters, community centers, or food banks.
  2. Collect unopened diecast cars to donate.
  3. Tally up your diecast vehicles, then contact Driven Dreams to let them know how many cars you're donating, as well as the organization you're giving them to. You can also send a photo of your donation to be included in a compilation video.
  4. Donate your diecast vehicles during the Annual Diecast Day Of Giving on October 12, 2024.
Diecast Media Network hopes to donate 20,000 cars this year. I'm looking forward to seeing the final total later this year!

-- Katie Duffy

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