July 1, 2011: The Luggage: Don't Leave Home WithOUCH!
Are you a fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels? If not, put down the screen right now and go read them all. We'll wait.
OK, we're not waiting. We're very pleased to announce that in conjunction with NADWCon 2011 in Madison, Wisconsin, we've pulled one of the iconic Discworld denizens, The Luggage, into the world of Munchkin! The The Luggage promo card will be available first at NADWCon, but we'll have copies to give away at our own summer convention appearances as well, and Sir Terry's representatives will be taking a sufficient number to the UK to carry out their own nefarious plans. Starting in September, you'll be able to get The Luggage in Warehouse 23 orders (if we have any left by then!).
(In the meantime, you can check out the Powered by GURPS Discworld RPG and GURPS Discworld Also!)
Our most humble thanks to Terry and Colin for letting us do this, and to John Kovalic who originally thought it was a fun idea. You were right, John!
-- Andrew Hackard

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