April 5, 2009: Getting Geared Up For GTS
It's that time of year again -- the GAMA Trade Show is once again in Las Vegas, the week after Easter. The major players of the hobby game industry will gather with retailers from around the world and do our "What's New for You?" song and dance.
Our particular a cappella will include glorious displays of Revolution!, Frag Gold Edition, and our heavyweight champ, Munchkin Quest. Will and Randy have the responsibility of showing off these games, plus The Stars Are Right (heading off to the printer very shortly!), Munchkin Quest 3, and a couple of games we can't talk about yet.
If you're a retailer, be sure to stop by both the PSI Game Night on Wednesday -- we'll have three tables of fun -- and open gaming area, where we'll be rolling dice with Munchkin Quest . . . and maybe a few unreleased games! And as you're wandering the exhibit hall, we'll be at booth #507. I can't promise that's where the Munchkin Mascot will be, but he'll be around there somewhere.
-- Paul Chapman

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