Written by Evan Jamieson, Richard Meyer, and William H. Stoddard
Additional material by S.A. Fisher, John Goff, Dan Howard, Walter Hunt, Bret Indrelee, Phil Masters, David Morgan-Mar, Jason Morningstar, Sean Punch, and Matt Riggsby
Edited by William H. Stoddard and Andrew Hackard
Cover art by Alex Fernandez and Philip Reed
Illustrated by Eric Hotz
Additional art by Donna Barr
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
128 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock number 6526
ISBN 1-55634-343-4
Available Now – click here to order!
131 pages. PDF.
Price $10.00
Stock number 30-6018
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130 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $24.95
Stock number 01-6118
ISBN 978-1-55634-969-0
Available Now at – Amazon
From the dawn of civilization to the Middle Ages . . . or in any fantasy game . . . GURPS Low-Tech is a universal resource for any campaign set before the age of gunpowder and the printing press. It's 128 pages of detailed research and game ideas:
- Weapons: Cleave an enemy's skull with a stone axe, stab him with a bronze sword, or impale him on your obsidian-tipped spear.
- Armor: Whether it's the crudest leather or the finest iron chain, any armor is better than none. Plus new rules for piecemeal armor!
- Vehicles: Steer a dogsled across the Arctic, sail a trireme across the Mediterranean, or ride your chariot over the battlefields of Asia.
- Equipment: Yokes and plows, adzes and hammers, sundials and locks; everything it takes to build a town or a nation.
- Plus shelter, science, and civilizations . . . from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages.
Whether you're playing cavemen fighting to stay alive, armored knights jousting for honor, or time travelers searching for the truth about history, GURPS Low-Tech brings the past to life!

- GURPS High-Tech – Descriptions and stats for hundreds of kinds of historical weapons and personal armor, vehicles from the stagecoach to modern helicopters, and much more.
- GURPS Ice Age – The weather is harsh. Gigantic beasts, and your own savage cousins, surround you on every side. You have only your wits and the weapons you can make by hand. Can you survive?
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

- The complete bibliography is online, with links to every referenced book, movie, etc., that's available through Amazon. (Yes, if you buy from one of these links, Amazon pays a percentage to SJ Games!)
- For more bibliographies of GURPS books, check out our GURPS Bibliographies page.

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