GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

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Welcome to the Generic Universal RolePlaying System!

With GURPS, you can be anyone you want – an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! Thanks to its flexibility, quality writing, and ease of use, GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for over three decades!

More than 1,500,000 copies are in print – not counting foreign editions. GURPS Lite, a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules, is available for free download. We also have dozens of GURPS adventures and e-books available on Warehouse 23.

Whatever your favorite roleplaying genre might be, GURPS can handle it. More about GURPS . . .

New GURPS Releases

Here are the last 15 GURPS supplements (including reprints and new editions) we have released, either in print or electronically. Click on a cover to go to that product's page.

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads How to Be a GURPS GM: Improvising GURPS Classic: Time Travel Adventures GURPS Loadouts: Starship Crew How to Be a GURPS GM: Combat Encounters
GURPS Monster Hunter Adventure: The Face of Fire GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees GURPS Fantasy Folk: The Reptilian Races GURPS Meta-Tech GURPS Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa
Dungeon Fantasy: The Devil's Workshop GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Atomic Horror GURPS Boardroom and Curia: The Sospital Group GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits


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February 28, 2025: February Feels Like Cheating

. . . because it's over too soon. On the other hand, given the year we've had so far, perhaps sooner is better. Regardless, for such a short month, we got a lot done for GURPS.

Recent Releases

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads

For one thing, we released something new!

How to Be a GURPS GM: Counting Heads (February 27, 2025; PDF)

Some GMing challenges have little to do with rules and much to do with meta-game or social concerns. An example is dealing with a number of players that's too large or too small for the planned campaign – or simply for the comfort and convenience of everyone involved. There are many tricks for this, including scaling the campaign up or down (possibly to the one-on-one level), giving each player several characters, introducing GMPCs, rotating the cast (at the gaming table or in the game world), splitting the party, and recruiting assistant GMs. Most of these are useful for managing a group of any size in any RPG, and all are things I've actually done since I started gaming in 1979. If you liked my previous works in this series (Combat Encounters, Improvising, and Managing Expectations), then be sure to check it out.

Upcoming Plans

In just four weeks, we made excellent headway on our projects. Here's a list, offered with the usual understanding that anything time-related is a guess unless I give an actual date. We've been doing better at respecting dates, although the world is chaotic enough right now that I'd hesitate to call them promises.

See this forums post for what the various steps in the process actually mean. And here's another post on Sekrit Projekts, which still number 7. I update the GURPS thread in my DreamWidth every Friday, so if something shakes loose between now and next month, that's where I'll talk about it.

Join Us! Join Us!

While free publication slots in 2025 and 2026 are few in number, we're likely to at least consider finding spots for rules-light, 12- or 21-page items. To be one of the fortunate few, make sure that your queries and proposals are for titles on the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated February 14, 2025) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated February 14, 2025), and hew to our Freelancer FAQ, Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template. Because competition is tight, we have no incentive to make exceptions; so, we probably won't unless you've been a regular GURPS author for years and years. Thank you for understanding!

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