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Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List

Be sure to read Writing for Warehouse 23 before making a submission. We're specifically looking for GURPS Fourth Edition proposals.

GURPS Fourth Edition (updated February 14, 2025)

Title: The project's working title. We may insist on using this, accept a suggested alternative, or ask you to suggest an alternative. Titles can change for many reasons at any point prior to release . . . so don't get too attached. Important: Clicking on the title will take you to a capsule description of what we want. Please read this and incorporate its advice into your query letter!

Page Count: The standard length(s) we have in mind for the project. Our price points favor 12 or 21 pages, but we can also handle 30 pages. Subtract 4 pages from your page count for the title page, table of contents, and index. Fill the remaining pages with an introduction (mandatory, at most 1 page), main chapters, and optional appendices, glossaries, or bibliographies, at roughly 850 words per page. The more formatted text (character sheets, stats blocks, tables, templates, etc.) there is, the fewer words you will have space for – and diagrams and maps consume basic page count in proportion to their size (e.g., a half-page map leaves room for 425 fewer words). Thus:

Pages 12 21 30 +1* +2*
Words: 6,800 14,450 22,100 +850* +1,700*
* We can accommodate one or two extra pages if necessary. Please do not exceed this without permission! We will consider requests for significantly longer works from previously published GURPS authors only.

Required Reading: Works you'll have to be familiar with to write this item.

Title Page Count Required Reading
Action (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and the GURPS Action series to date.
Adventures (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and any GURPS supplement essential to the adventure's genre or setting.
After the End (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and the GURPS After the End series to date.
Aliens (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Aliens: Sparrials, plus GURPS Aliens, GURPS Black Ops, GURPS Horror, and so on for races adapted from existing works. New gear must be compatible with GURPS Ultra-Tech; spacecraft, with the GURPS Spaceships series.
Banestorm (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Banestorm, and potentially GURPS Banestorm: Abydos, GURPS Fantasy, GURPS Magic, and/or GURPS Martial Arts: Yrth Fighting Styles.
Boardroom and Curia (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Boardroom and Curia, and either GURPS Boardroom and Curia: The Sospital Group or GURPS Boardroom and Curia: Tomorrow Rides.
Disasters (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set; either GURPS Disasters: Hurricane or GURPS Disasters: Meltdown and Fallout; and any GURPS supplement essential to the specific disaster.
Dungeon Fantasy (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy series to date, plus GURPS Magic if covering spellcasters or GURPS Powers for new archetypes with powers.
Encounters (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set, at least one worked example from the GURPS Encounters series to date, and any GURPS supplement essential to the encounter's genre or setting.
Fantasy Folk (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set; one of the existing GURPS Fantasy Folk volumes (Elves, Goblins and Hobgoblins, Kobolds, The Reptilian Races, or Winged Folk); plus GURPS Banestorm for Yrth races and/or GURPS Fantasy Folk for races adapted from Third Edition. New spells must be consistent with GURPS Magic; new fighting styles and weapons, with GURPS Martial Arts; and new powers, with GURPS Powers.
Fantasy-Tech (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Low-Tech, plus at least one worked example from the GURPS Fantasy-Tech series to date.
High-Tech (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS High-Tech, and GURPS High-Tech: Electricity and Electronics.
Hot Spots (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, plus at least one worked example from the GURPS Hot Spots series to date.
How to Be a GURPS GM (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, How to Be a GURPS GM, at least one worked example from the How to Be a GURPS GM series to date, and any supplement(s) covered.
Infinite Worlds (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Infinite Worlds.
Loadouts (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, at least one worked example from the GURPS Loadouts series to date; and whichever of GURPS Low-Tech, GURPS High-Tech, or GURPS Ultra-Tech is appropriate to the tech level.
Locations (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, plus at least one worked example from the GURPS Locations series to date.
Low-Tech (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Low-Tech, GURPS Low-Tech Companion 1, GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2, and GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3.
Magic (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Magic, and either GURPS Magic: Plant Spells or one of GURPS Magic: Artillery Spells, GURPS Magic: Death Spells, or GURPS Magic: The Least of Spells.
Magical Styles (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Magic, GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles, and either GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic or GURPS Magical Styles: Horror Magic.
Martial Arts (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Martial Arts, and at least one of the releases in the GURPS Martial Arts series to date.
Monster Hunters (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and the GURPS Monster Hunters series to date.
Social Engineering (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Social Engineering, plus one of GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School, GURPS Social Engineering: Keeping in Contact, or GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank.
Sorcery (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Magic, GURPS Powers, GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, and either GURPS Sorcery: Protection and Warning Spells or GURPS Sorcery: Sound Spells.
Spaceships (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and the GURPS Spaceships series to date.
Supporting Cast (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Supporting Cast: Age of Sail Pirate Crew, plus any GURPS supplement needed for NPC equipment or special abilities.
Thaumatology (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Thaumatology – plus GURPS Magic if the supplement covers spell-based magic, GURPS Powers if it covers innate abilities, and any existing GURPS Thaumatology-series item it is intended to support.
Vehicles (Series) 12, 21, 30 GURPS Basic Set; one of GURPS Vehicles: Steampunk Conveyances, GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy, or GURPS Vehicles: War Galleys; and whichever of GURPS Low-Tech, GURPS High-Tech, or GURPS Ultra-Tech is appropriate.
Who's Who (Series) 12, 21 GURPS Basic Set, GURPS Who's Who 1, and GURPS Who's Who 2.

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