Total Cards: 168
Door Cards: 106
Treasure Cards: 62

- Baron Boron
- Beer Belch
- Better Costume Than Yours
- Big Ol' Planet Eater Guy
- Bimborella
- Bird Boy
- Body of Real Hard Stuff
- Bucketman
- Captain Corrosion
- Chameleon
- Charisma
- Claws
- Cleavage Stun
- Clickyman
- Compulsively Leaves Clues
- Didn't Stay Dead
- Doctor Deathbreath
- Duplo-Ray
- Exotic (3)
- Explodoman
- Eye Beams
- Flakman
- Flames
- Flatness
- Flight
- Fluoroscopic Vision
- Forewarned and Four-Armed
- Generic Guy
- Goopflinger
- Hero of the Former Soviet Republic
- Hypnotism
- Invisibility
- IRS Agents
- Kidnapped Your Aunt Marge
- Literary Lass
- Markov the Beast
- Meddling Kids
- Misunderstood Man
- More Wimpy Thugs
- Mr. Everywhere
- Mutant (3)
- Mystic (3)
- Office Supplies Man
- Origin: Bathed in Strange Energies
- Origin: Bitten by Radioactive Chihuahua
- Origin: Government Experiment Gone Wrong
- Origin: Radio Fell in Bathtub
- Origin: Stubbed Toe
- Origin: Touched Ancient Idol
- Professor Polar
- Psychic Blast
- Radioactive Aura
- Riot Grrl
- Ruler of Small European Country
- Shattering Shriek
- Sidekick: Imaginary Friend
- Sidekick: Kid With Same Powers You Have
- Sidekick: Plucky Girl Reporter
- Slackerman
- Slobbering Alien Horde
- Still More Wimpy Thugs
- Stretchiness
- Super Cheat!
- Super Munchkin (2)
- Super-Speed
- Techno (3)
- Teleportation
- The Big Boss
- The Cowl
- The Faceless Army
- The Fandom Menace
- The Flasher
- The Impersonator
- The Punster
- The Spaminator
- Trap! Congressional Hearing
- Trap! Creeptonite
- Trap! Crumbling Cliff
- Trap! Dinosaur
- Trap! Fate Worse Than Death
- Trap! Flesh-Eating Begonias
- Trap! Giant Whirling Blades
- Trap! Invisible Terror
- Trap! Launched Into Space
- Trap! Nuclear Reactor
- Trap! Retroactive Continuity
- Trap! Robot Steamroller
- Trap! Unmasked!
- Trap! Vile Chemicals
- Tree-Mendous
- Triplicate Twit
- Wandering Monster (2)
- Whatever Woman
- Wimpy Thugs
- Yarpman
- Your Nemesis

- Accidentally Off a Sidekick (GUAL)
- Alien Wheep Gun
- Alternate World Version
- Barbells
- Bat Mobile
- Black Coffee
- BOOMerang
- Boots That Shoot
- Budget HQ
- Buy GM An Action Figure (GUAL)
- Cape
- Continuity Error
- Contrived Escape
- Copyright Infringement
- Crystal Armor
- Egg Beater
- Electro-Mento-Hat
- Evil Detector
- Giant Magnet
- Golf Club
- Grapnel Gun
- Heroic Angst (GUAL)
- Hidden Lab
- Incredibly Huge Reward (GUAL)
- Insane Obsession
- License to Demolish
- Loaded Die
- Magic Wand
- Mild-Mannered Disguise
- Minimum Legal Armor
- Molybdenum Skateboard
- Mop
- Movie Deal (GUAL)
- New Costume (GUAL)
- Orbital HQ
- Plot Device
- Pogo Stick
- Powered Armor
- Prehensile Pigtails
- Psycho-Electrodes
- Research in Comic Shop (GUAL)
- Ring of Beaminess
- Rock of Repentance
- Secret Cave HQ
- Setup for the Sequel
- Sidekick: Monkey With Costume Like Yours
- Sidekick: Robot Double
- Sidekick: Talking Car
- Sprayed-On Costume
- Suction Sneakers
- Super Serum
- Super Shield
- Telezapinator
- The Light That Evildoers Fear
- Underwear on the Outside (GUAL)
- Utility Girdle
- Wardrobe Malfunction
- Winged Armor
- Winged Sandals
- Wishing Ring (2)
- Wrist Radio